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Solved Sp3: System and System interrups waste 20/25% cpu - heating

Ok I confirm, my Sp3 it's ok now, at least as windows... for the temperature I will compare with the i5 arrived that I will RESET first probabily just to see if really there is some net difference.

So I can leave my pc alone....... go to bathroom, sleep, shower etc.. nothing crazy happen, and I have not disabled from the schedule task anything, it's all like the original.

What I did is to update the 5 drivers some utility said were not the latest, in particular 1. realtek for the audio, 2 for the chipset, I installed setpoint of Logitech that is an utility plus up to date drivers for my bluetooh keyboard and mouse, and for the HD 5000 intel video driver I had some problem to update with the last version, so I wrote to you, I will post as I can my version and you can check if there is a link for the latest.

For now it's going well!!! no issue anymore, very few times I feel the fan in the day!!!
Ok I confirm, my Sp3 it's ok now, at least as windows... for the temperature I will compare with the i5 arrived that I will RESET first probabily just to see if really there is some net difference.

So I can leave my pc alone....... go to bathroom, sleep, shower etc.. nothing crazy happen, and I have not disabled from the schedule task anything, it's all like the original.

What I did is to update the 5 drivers some utility said were not the latest, in particular 1. realtek for the audio, 2 for the chipset, I installed setpoint of Logitech that is an utility plus up to date drivers for my bluetooh keyboard and mouse, and for the HD 5000 intel video driver I had some problem to update with the last version, so I wrote to you, I will post as I can my version and you can check if there is a link for the latest.

For now it's going well!!! no issue anymore, very few times I feel the fan in the day!!!

Dude, you seriously get an A+ for determination. Kudos. :cool:
:) finger crossed for a week, tomorrow I set up the Sp3 i5 and let you know. Now my unique doubt is if the lot 1428/1429 are really different from others for something more problematic, or this is all the mess we had to do.
I used the freeware SLIM DRIVERS to find my 5 drivers not up to date, and double checked with DriverMax (this is very limited as freeware), if you have better tools let us know.
I restarted the Sp3, I just left the intel extreme tuning utility and task manager open, I went to supermarket for 20 minutes, when back the result is this, never a spike of cpu, the minimum temperature is 46 c. without air condition, in house we have around 28/29 I think. With air con however I don't think can go down more than 45... because is a closed pc so have few impact just 1/2 degree I can lower house temperature.


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this morning while I was in bathroom system went up 35%....... what I changed? I disabled this morning before it happened the "setpoint" utility of Logitech. I will update today..later. I enabled it again, if the issue stop then in my sp3 was not the realtek audio driver but something in Logitech devices that needs absolutely this utility to fix some conflict with windows. I read in fact in many post of Logitech users that they wait a lot to have some fix about system process in the task manager. So may be there the cause. We will see! otherwise..........RESET :) Final day, final table :)
I disable the utility of Logitech because I have seen that one using 0.2/0.5 cpu some time, so I said, why to keep it active? for sure updated the drivers, so I quit with it. After that started again System to to go up when I leave the pc 3/5 minutes idle. Now I enabled it again but System give problem yet, I think I need to reboot first and then to test again if it was the issue.
As I was thinking.. I needed to REBOOT after I enabled again the "setpoint" utility of Logitech to manage the bluetooh devices, the Logitech ultrathin mouse and the keyboard k810, both very nice devices... As I read in one of the hundreds reasons of people with the SYSTEM issue, a guy had in the house over 8/10 devices of Logitech and was very angry at Logitech that had this issue with Windows 8.1 or so, and I read that they was waiting months for a fix to the issue, and I assume now it is fixed. I leave to EXPERTS to explain why if you start windows with this utility already active since the start up you will not have the issue anymore, and/or why if you disable the utility and the enable it again in the current windows session this could stop the fix to the SYSTEM going up when pc is idle.

I will continue the test the day!! as I said is the final day. In the mean while I'm making the RESET to another sp3 i5 just arrived and then we will add there the same programs and devices I'm using in my Sp3 i7.

Don't know how many of you are using Logitech and/or bluetooh devices, for now seem that my issue is caused by something in Logitech...


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Confirmed, I left the Sp3 many times idle and SYSTEM is not going up anymore, I think that in my case was so Logitech the problem, and the unique way to don't have the problem is to install, use and load on start the "setpoint" utility that is a small control panel/settings for Logitech devices. It take from 0.1 to 0.5% peak max of Cpu, but resolve the issue, probabily without it the devices of Logitech are creating problems to windows. I leave to experts the conclusions and if so can be this the issue.

In the mean while I made the reset to my 2nd Sp3 i5, and now I'm updating windows 8.1 with all the updates avaible, after this I will install and test this device and compare with the 1st Sp3 i7.
Ok update. My Sp3 i7 run well with the Logitech setpoint driver/utility.
Temperature with Intel Tuning utility is around 46 c idle, never less, while working with cpu at 8/10% arrive usually around 55/60 with some peak 65 in average.

Now I installed the Sp3 i5, it is lot 1431.
I installed Intel Tuning, then windows said to install .net framework to run it, so I did, and I restarted windows. Then I launched the Intel Tuning to monitor pc idle and showed temperature of 44 as minimum so just 2/3 degrees less of i7.
Then went up after some minute a process .Net Framework optimization, or similar, so we are investigating if it is just one time or it is another issue to take care......
I update all windows 8.1 with the latest updates (were 44 in total importants)

I keep you updated.
Sp3 i5 is stable now, the issue of net framework optimization was one time only may be because for the first time was used a software that require that framework.

Temperature of cpu made a new low to 42 c. so around 4 c. less than i7. So I assume this is the difference between the two different cpu models.

We had some issue with a process called "antimalware" that went up as process to 25/30% of cpu 1/2 times, don't know if we have installed some antimalware by default from windows or this happen because of the reset and installed some antimalware by default, in my i7 I never seen a process with some sort of antimalware name. Any ideas?