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[Solved] What is the mini DisplayPort spec on the Pro?

However, what I can't understand is that they knew the unit was only going to have one video out and, for some time now, it was known that DP 1.2 would support daisy chaining. Thus, if you're going to release to market a product that doesn't have a docking station and only has one video out port, then at least supply the video out port that supports multi-monitors. I can only hope that there is some real logical rationale for not doing it.

The issue is with the Intel Core i5 with integrated graphics from what I can tell. According to the link you posted 3rd gen Core i5 doesn't support DP 1.2. What other option did MS have (and I don't think discrete graphics is a realistic option given the form requirements)?
The issue is with the Intel Core i5 with integrated graphics from what I can tell. According to the link you posted 3rd gen Core i5 doesn't support DP 1.2. What other option did MS have (and I don't think discrete graphics is a realistic option given the form requirements)?
It's Microsoft we're talking about here; not someone like you or me who is at a startup or in the basement trying to bring to life an invention. :LOL:

My point is, as Microsoft, surely they are in the position to say, "These are the specs that I need for such and such." Furthermore, back to the problem child Intel, they are unable to update their product to support DP 1.2? That makes no sense. Back in the Wintel duopoly days, those two were famous for getting together to add enhancements to the x86 chip for upcoming Windows versions.

All in all, I cannot believe in this day and age that there was only one design approach regarding DisplayPort video out from the Surface Pro and that the only design possible in the current form factor was DP1.1. Shocking, if that's the case. Furthermore, even if that is the case for whatever reason, then at least design/plan a docking station and communicate planned availability.
My point is, as Microsoft, surely they are in the position to say, "These are the specs that I need for such and such." Furthermore, back to the problem child Intel, they are unable to update their product to support DP 1.2? That makes no sense. Back in the Wintel duopoly days, those two were famous for getting together to add enhancements to the x86 chip for upcoming Windows versions.

You just nailed why Microsoft invested in the ARM Platform. Intel has struggled with drivers on their ATOM Platform since it was released and has been slow in increasing battery life in its Core Platform. Also the whole Intel dabbling with Apple and Linux thing didn't help their relationship ;) The good news is the two have mended their fences to a degree and Windows 8.1 (formally known as Blue) has been built with Haswell Enhancements.
Microsoft finally got back to me regarding my query about multi-monitor support using DisplayPort 1.2 daisy chaining and here is their response:
While it is possible to use multiple displays on the Surface Pro, currently the only way we know of doing so is to use one monitor on the display port and another on the USB3 port. While technically feasible to do so using Displayport 1.2, it appears that the proper drivers to do so are not yet available and we do not know of any workarounds that will get this working until they are.

Whatever. :rolleyes:
Had they responded similarly to another issue I had reported (i.e., "We are aware of the problem and are working on a resolution, but we do not have a release date at this time") then, yes, I would have considered it good news because they acknowledged the problem and are working on a fix.

But that's not what the response said, so it doesn't leave me optimistic at all.
I got a dumb question. After a while of goggling I can't seem to find the answer to:
Do display port 1.2 monitors have both a display port input and output in the back, or do you use a special cable to daisy chain monitors ?

I just bought an Asus PA248Q, I am pretty sure its not DP 1.2 but I need a second screen... I cannot work on one screen.
Since DP 1.2 supports daisy chaining then, logically, it makes sense that a DP 1.2 monitor should also have an output port, enabling the monitor to be placed anywhere along the chain.

But nothing is stopping a vendor from omitting the output port, as illogical as it may be; in that case, such a monitor would be an end node in its chain.

The DP 1.2 marketplace is still in its infancy especially with regards to daisy chaining. Hubs were demonstrated at a tradeshow, but from the video demos and reading material out there, my conclusion is that development is still very much in progress.

The specs of your monitor doesn't state DP 1.2 and chances are that without an output port, it is DisplayPort 1.1; however, daisy-chaining a DP 1.1 monitor as the end node from a DP 1.2 monitor is completely supported. Therefore, if you intend on buying a new monitor and want to use daisy chaining, then verify that it is DP 1.2 before you buy.