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So long, it's been fun...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, enjoyed the Forum but the ATIV Q is coming out and I'm gonna grab one. It is just too much exactly what I want in a hybrid to resist. Gonna give my SP to the GF (she is totally excited). Her name is Jodie and she is much nicer (and better looking) than I am. Maybe she'll come here to chat :)

Have a good one everybody and enjoy your Surface Pros.

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Good luck! Maybe you could startup a Ativ Q board here :) Anyhow it seems like a good tablet/computer!
Hey, nobody says you have to stop coming around because you get a different device. You're still welcome and your GF!
But... but... 10 inches is the size of the Surface Pro and the iPad, the perfect size because Steve Jobs said it! Why are you getting a 13 inches tablet? Oh, wait...
Apple testing 13-inch iPad and larger iPhone: WSJ | The Verge
View attachment 981

The amazing thing about the ATIV Q is that although it has a 13.3in qHD+ 3200x1800, 275ppi and a physical keyboard, it is only 3% thicker and 10% heavier than the SP and double the battery life. Costs $350 more but with those specs, who cares?

Excellent comparison article: http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/v3-co-uk-...-ativ-q-vs-microsoft-surface-pro-spec-by-spec
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Samsung Ativ Q: 327x218x13.9mm, 1.29kg
Microsoft Surface Pro: 275x173x13mm, 907g
iPad 4th generation Wi-Fi model: 650 g

10% heavier? 40% heavier than Surface Pro and double than iPad. Even Surface Pro is too heavy for some people to use it as a tablet (not for me), so... are you going to use it as a tablet? Same weight than this LOL

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