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Lots of good points brought up here Mitchell... do you not think the ATIV Q and SP are on different levels? I'd hate to involve bias in a purchase decision, but does it not seem that the ATIV Q is a portable touch screen laptop?? I would think the SP and ATIV Q (similar, yes) apply to two different markets.
Samsung Ativ Q: 327x218x13.9mm, 1.29kg
Microsoft Surface Pro: 275x173x13mm, 907g
iPad 4th generation Wi-Fi model: 650 g

10% heavier? 40% heavier than Surface Pro and double than iPad. Even Surface Pro is too heavy for some people to use it as a tablet (not for me), so... are you going to use it as a tablet? Same weight than this LOL

The 907g is without the keyboard. With the type keyboard the ATIV Q is only 10% heavier. The ATIV Q is less than 2.5 pounds. Really is remarkable they could squeeze all that tech into less than 2.5 lbs.

Oh yeah definitely will use it as a tablet. I rarely walk around holding my tablet in front of me where my arms might get tired. I either have it rest on my lap or on the bed. I'm looking forward to taking notes with all that super HD space :)
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Lots of good points brought up here Mitchell... do you not think the ATIV Q and SP are on different levels? I'd hate to involve bias in a purchase decision, but does it not seem that the ATIV Q is a portable touch screen laptop?? I would think the SP and ATIV Q (similar, yes) apply to two different markets.

Depends. MY proposal is that any professional who can afford almost $1200 for a 128 GB SP would happily pay a few hundred more for all these features. If you spent your last nickel on the SP then yeah, the ATIV probably isn't for you.
Depends. MY proposal is that any professional who can afford almost $1200 for a 128 GB SP would happily pay a few hundred more for all these features. If you spent your last nickel on the SP then yeah, the ATIV probably isn't for you.

I really don't think money is the issue here, these are very different devices, to try to say one is "better" than the other only makes sense as an individual choice. Personally I tend to buy new devices simply because I am bored and like the idea of something new. I can tell you that, with my experience with a ThinkPad Twist that, with a 12.5" screen, Multi-Touch input makes for a somewhat uncomfortable tablet experience.

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Don't you mind weight? Then get a $2,749.00 Wacom Cintiq 24HD. ATIV Q is for poor people.
Hey Mitch, sorry to hear you're moving on, but glad you've found something that meets your needs. I haven't owned a Samsung in years, keep us posted on the build quality...

Take care.
Yeah, at that price I hope Samsung uses something other than their now infamous plastic cases. I love my Galaxy Note 10.1 but the casing around the charge port broke 6 month into its life, and I take better than average care o my devices. It spent its life in a Samsung bookcover case.

Sent from the SurfaceForums.net app for Windows 8
The Ativ Q looks like it will disappoint. Wait for the Haswell tablets or you'll be sorry. And you're welcome for all the fish!

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