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I just got rid of my SP for a helix

Wow....what a difference ...now I can actually make it out the door before the battery dies :D

The Thinkpad helix? I guess if you're talking about 10-hour with the keyboard dock, then of COURSE it should have better battery life. It weighs almost 4 lbs.

If you value battery life, smart consumers should figure out -- either you get a low-power device OR you sacrifice mobility (more weight) for more battery cells. This isn't rocket science. :p

That said, always buy what fits your requirements to get the most enjoyment. Yep.
The Thinkpad helix? I guess if you're talking about 10-hour with the keyboard dock, then of COURSE it should have better battery life. It weighs almost 4 lbs.

If you value battery life, smart consumers should figure out -- either you get a low-power device OR you sacrifice mobility (more weight) for more battery cells. This isn't rocket science. :p

That said, always buy what fits your requirements to get the most enjoyment. Yep.

The battery in the keyboard is great and all
but I was talking about just the battery on the tablet

I would get between 2.5 to 3 hours with the SP
With the Helix im getting 4.5 to 5 hours

And if I'm not mistaken, I believe the tablet portion weighs less than the SP

There are some things about the SP that are better than the helix (notable the micro-sd card)
but over all I think the Helix is a much much better machine.
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2.5-3 hours only!? What were you doing! I've been sitting here for almost 2.5 hours browsing and my batteries saying there's still just under 3 hours left :)
2.5-3 hours only!? What were you doing! I've been sitting here for almost 2.5 hours browsing and my batteries saying there's still just under 3 hours left :)

Nothing more intensive that browsing and watching videos. Maybe mine was defective but I never got more than 3 hours out of it regardless of what I was doing.

Either way, battery life is only 1 of the many reasons why I find the helix to be a better device ...Nearly every aspect is better. The only thing the surface had that I wish the Helix has is a microsd slot.

However, since the helix is actually user serviceable, you're able to get inside the device without destroying it, so I might mod my own sd card reader. A full sized one at that
Had a lenovo rep in recently to show us the Helix and if my company wants to buy me one then great... Otherwise... How much did that one set you back? Did you get the base model at 1500? or go for the 8gb Ram and 256 for 2200? I did like the intelligent battery charge and use features. But it was just too heavy for me.. I was left standing there thinking: Ok so I have to pay a 300-700 dollar premium for a detachable screen? Pass.
Isn't that the tablet in tech news that's said to might not release at all or be severely delayed? Due to patent infringements. I guess apples patent trolling extends to Samsung tablet PC also..smh
Yep, the ATIV Q may be yet another victim of the idiot patent trolls.

Oh well, the Dell XPS 11 just started looking better, assuming it ever makes it to market.
Had a lenovo rep in recently to show us the Helix and if my company wants to buy me one then great... Otherwise... How much did that one set you back? Did you get the base model at 1500? or go for the 8gb Ram and 256 for 2200? I did like the intelligent battery charge and use features. But it was just too heavy for me.. I was left standing there thinking: Ok so I have to pay a 300-700 dollar premium for a detachable screen? Pass.

I paid $1200 for the i5/4gb model with a 180gb ssd

Its a much better value than the surface. At that price I got the newer 3337u as opposed to the SP's 3317u and a larger ssd.

Also, the tablet portion weighs at least a half pound less than the SP.

Honestly, its a no brainer. For $70 more than a 128gb SP + type cover you get a vastly superior machine. It is better in every aspect (except the lack of microsd) and the comparisons I'm making are only the tablet portion vs the SP.
Comparing the type cover to the Helix keyboard is just unfair lol.
I paid $1200 for the i5/4gb model with a 180gb ssd

Its a much better value than the surface. At that price I got the newer 3337u as opposed to the SP's 3317u and a larger ssd.

Also, the tablet portion weighs at least a half pound less than the SP.

Honestly, its a no brainer. For $70 more than a 128gb SP + type cover you get a vastly superior machine. It is better in every aspect (except the lack of microsd) and the comparisons I'm making are only the tablet portion vs the SP.
Comparing the type cover to the Helix keyboard is just unfair lol.

How is the pressure sensitive pen input for drawing and note taking?
How is the pressure sensitive pen input for drawing and note taking?

To be honest, I don't know
From what I read it uses a Wacom digitizer and there are drivers for it to work in Photoshop

As for the pen itself, its much smaller than the pen included with the SP and the tablet portion has a spot for it to be stored inside

But, I never used the pen with the SP and I doubt I'll use it with the Helix

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