Sure, no problem.
- 4200u
- Wifi on the entire time, but not actively downloading/streaming (basically just for web browsing)
- Bluetooth on the entire time (though nothing connected)
- Think this is it: 14.69.24049.160 - 11/8/2013
- Yes to the Desktop, but mostly on the Metro interface when on light tasks (say 70%/30% split favoring Metro)
- Roughly 60+ process, RAM use at around 2-3GB
- Windows Defender running in the background (I assume)
What I'm running, whether active or in background, right now is Metro IE, Desktop IE, Mail, Bing News, Adobe Photoshop (old version), Store, News Bento. Adaptive Brightness off. Keyboard is attached throughout (LED lights are set to off), though mostly folded back when in Metro. Nothing connected to USB. Pretty much the default processes running at startup. For the lock screen, I'm running Mail, Calendar, Alarm clock, a Wifi meter app, and Viber. On the Metro interface, I have 7 apps running Live tile. I'm on the Balanced power profile, continuing my test from yesterday. CPU Processor is set to 5% minimum, 100% Maximum.
Sorry for the crap image, I can't figure out how to take a screenshot on this thing (god I miss Prnt Screen). Also, it's been running for almost an hour (no sleep or screen turned off during that span), and it has 90% battery level. It was also cold booted, with an SD card inserted, and had no substantial CPU utilization running at startup. I have a high quality card, though no idea if that plays a role.
EDIT: Attached my iPhone to upload the picture, and it has a voracious appetite. Had it connected via USB for about 3 minutes, and it sucked 3% of my battery in that span!
EDIT 2: I have now used it almost continuously (let's just say I'm now well versed on today's current events!) for 8hrs. and 37mins on the Balanced profile, and I still have 26% battery remaining. This concludes one aspect of my test, in that I was able to replicate the longer battery life, which is over 2hrs more than what I was getting from Power Saver. Since I have that profile configured for maximum power savings, this leads me to believe that one or more of the settings utilizes more power when set to its lowest power option, or the profile itself is bugged in some other way (at least on mine).