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Solved Power Consumption increase after Update 18.11


New Member
Hey Guys,

I have noticed that previous to the 18.11 released updates (about 50 or so) my energy consumption displayed in ThrottleStop averaged to about 0.8-2 W during normal office use with CPU multiplier set to 8x.
After updating, it does not go below 3.8 and averages about 4.5 W.
Anybody else seen that?
I thought it was unrelated to updating, reset my machine completely and it was back to below 2 W. After updating it is up again.
This decreases battery life enormously.
It might be difficult for you to get an answer, except by a few that might have the ThrottleStop utility. The majority of us just use and enjoy the Surface without making a lot of measurements. I will Google ThrottleStop and see if I can download it and see what my figures look like to give you something to compare your figures to. BTW, welcome to the forum.
By 18.11 do you mean November 18? I have heard anectdotally from other owners that the battery life has not been as good since some round of updates, I gathered it to be around that timeframe. I have only owned mine since December so can't comment other than to add the above and hope that things improve as I always want more battery life!
Thanks for your answers. I marked the issue as solved as I checked again if all updates were in place and in turns out, most failed for some reason. After running updates again, energy consumption is back to round about normal 1-2W in ThrottleStop, so only a little higher.
The issue is solved for me :) Still, battery life is not that great with the sp3. Oh well
All my updates are in place. I have been on battery for about 75 minutes now, including a reboot about halfway through. I am sitting @ 70%. Before the 11/18 update I could get between 9-12 hours, now I struggle to get 4. What has possibly happened?