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May 14th Firmware update


There were some firmware updates today. The Surface Pro updates deal with improved Wi-Fi connectivity and stability along with a video update to improve Skype performance.

You also get a PXE boot feature that can be used by administrators for network installation of Windows. Both cluster of updates also include the regular security updates
Froze my Pro during re-boot. Black screen said it was installing. Finally turned it off/on after a half hour and it came on ok. Whew....
I'm still having limited connectivity issues after this firmware update..I'm thinking it will never be fixed.
So far so good here with the connectivity issue. Previously, I would attempt to access my Homegroup folders on my Win7 desktop and the WiFi would just crap out. I'd have to reset the wifi adapter to fix the issue. The reset always worked. I'll keep my eye on it to see if goes into la-la land again.

The actual update took a bit of time and the system did appear to be be hung up but I just left it and it rebooted multiple times during the install. It was one of the more tense updates since I couldn't really tell what it was doing or how long each step would take. Anyway, YMMV.
I downloaded and applied the update this PM but it just stayed on the reboot screen after "installing". So Turned my Pro off and started from scratch. It started and booted fine. I went back to the update screen and all except the firmware update said "successful". The firmware said reboot required. So I rebooted. It hung up again at the reboot screen for an hour and I repeated the process. Samne normal start result and back to the update screen and this time it said "failed". So, where can I download just the firmware part of the update so I can try to install again?
The update of the speaker/audio-system on the rt seems to be a complete mess for me. Yes it's loud, but the quality is .... and when i'm watching yt-videos the audio completely turns silent on scenes with a low volume.
The update of the speaker/audio-system on the rt seems to be a complete mess for me. Yes it's loud, but the quality is .... and when i'm watching yt-videos the audio completely turns silent on scenes with a low volume.

Let's hope MS does better with their Windows 8.1 Beta in June...

** I think we should create a bounty thread to buy Microsoft a Surface Pro so they can test these patches before releasing them...
I have been working almost a full day with my SP after the update yesterday, and still no "limited wifi" problem. Keeping my fingers crossed...
Got a Limited connection issue within 5 minutes of applying the fix, and the vanishing cursor issue is still here. Luckily the vanishing cursor can be fixed by a simple C-A-D then escape
I've had no limited connection issues since the update. I've problems before when moving from one hotspot to another. When moving, the wifi connection wouldn't release and connect to the new one. I would have to either reset the adapter or restart several times before it would connect. Today, I have moved to three different locations and I have connected seamlessly.

Also keeping my fingers crossed that it has been permanently fixed.