Yeah - this is technology. It's wonderful when it works, its interesting when it doesn't. To me technology would be boring if it didn't need work done to it - I'd also be out of a job.
One thing folks have to remember - (or not) - When someone hands you a PC in need or repair, they can claim they "didn't" do anything to it until they are blue in the face. That doesn't mean they are innocent. I had a customer bring me a PC in which it would lock up after it was booted. The customer said they had just "took it out of the box and BAM!" - Turns out they took it out of the box and dropped it causing no noticeable exterior damage but fried the hard drive........ I usually ask the customer in this manner. If you did something to it, you can tell me, I break shit all the time - AND it will cost you a lot less, as I won't have to troubleshoot the issue, I can just look for a repair - They will still LIE. LOL
LOL Isn't this the truth, and they will continue swearing it was nothing they did even if you were standing there when they did it!!! LOL
When I help out people outside of work, they will usually fess up once I tell them the same point you mentioned about it costing more trying to find out what happened so I know what to fix. LOL
At work, No I didn't drop the laptop!
Oh and I now swear by the Kensington Black Belt Case for these tablets! Watched a user repeatedly knock one to the floor over a week! Still works perfectly without a scratch!
Me, I think I turned white when I saw it heading off the table!