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It's going back :( Quite sad, tbh

Well, I didn't think I was going to do it, but less than 2 days later I'm back! Haha. I really missed my Sp4, and even though my Sp2 is solid, I actually figured that it MUST be a silly but that MS will fix. I really hope they fix these issues ASAP, but honestly, I know for sure I was going to be back ... Returning it and then buy another... meh! I guess the Surface tech guy just really pissed me off with the "lets format it" mentality 45 minutes before heading off to work.

Anyways, I'm back. I refreshed my device completely, and for some strange reason, a complete format and cleaning of the drive took under an hour, and then I made a mistake with a minor detail and thought "lets see " and refreshed it without cleaning the HD, just removing all the files, and in under 45 minutes... I wonder what was done in the last firmware update to reduce it by a 1/3 at least...
lol, I would be the same if I gave back my SP4. At the moment, it is too unstable to be used for work, so is a complete waste of money for my needs... but I wouldn't want to live without it, and once MS fixes the sleep, hibernate device killing bugs, it will be the Mclaren of the tablet/portable PC working world.
Wow, well, MS is useless! Haha. I called them to cancel my cancellation and they said no. SO... I have a THIRD SP4 on the way... :oops:o_O