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Geocaching cache downloads


New Member
I bought the Surface to have a small tablet to download geocaching caches on my two GPS. The surface tells me to buy an apps from Microsoft to be able to download the caches. Is there an apps that can do this? If not I might have to return the Surface.
I bought the Surface to have a small tablet to download geocaching caches on my two GPS. The surface tells me to buy an apps from Microsoft to be able to download the caches. Is there an apps that can do this? If not I might have to return the Surface.

I have a very great new for you. I've developed a GeoCaching app for Windows 8/RT. You can discover the application here: GCExplorer | Enjoy GeoCaching on Windows 8

Unfortunately, you don't have a GPS on your Microsoft Surface so you cannot use it to go until the cache without any other GPS device. But good news, you can download each cache to GPX format from GCExplorer or directly your Pocket Queries.

In the application, you can also save the caches into offline lists. Like this you take on the road only your tablet and your GPS device, and you can export to your GPS device the caches without internet connection or computer.

In the future version, I will add a feature: you'll be able to upload GPX and spoiler images directly on your GPS device in one click.

You can try it for free the application for 15 days and if you like it you can buy it for 4$ USD.

I hope you will try the application and like it. If you find any bug or you have ideas to improve the application, don't hesitate to contact me.
For future Geocachers wih a Surface RT, I want to say that GCExplorer is great for downloading caches on my gps using the Surface RT. I have downloaded a pocket queries of up to 1000 caches. I look forward to using my Surface RT and GCExplorer when away from home and when at home. thanks Vulvulune.