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Electricty "not clean" issue


Active Member
Hey everyone, I have a question for you all. At my work the outlet I have my Surface plugged into works fine. I have never had any issues (10 years and going), but for some reason when my Surface Pro 4 is plugged in, the pen "jumps" and skips strokes. I unplug my surface and it works perfectly. I know this only happens on this outlet because the same charger at home works 100% fine, 0 issues. And unplugging it always solves the issue. I just it extremely annoying. I tried the Belkin Surgecube (https://www.amazon.es/Belkin-Reglet...1107189&sr=8-1&keywords=belkin+sobretensiones) and that didn't work. Any ideas on "how to clean it up?"

Here is a picture of what I'm talking about.


Thanks in advance!
Had a similar issue in train in the Netherlands. Tried a different outlet at work?

I only get the ones in my room, sadly. And since nothing shuts off or burns out there is no way to get someone to fix anything. Lol What am I supposed to say? My pen doesn't write on the screen but everything else works fine and dandy? XD
Well just try another room. If you only have the issue in your room, there is something wrong and perhaps unsafe...
I'm the only person with a digitizer, everyone else uses their PCs and laptops and charge their phones, we have a large amount of projectors, too. Nothing wrong... Just my surface :( .
This usually a ground issue...you could use a grounding strap and see if it improves performance.
Thanks for the recommendation. I remember from my COMPTIA A+ courses what a grounding strap was, but are we talking about the same thing? One of these things? https://www.amazon.es/LUPO-Pulsera-Antiestática-Banda-Tierra/dp/B004CS5WIG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1551120518&sr=8-3&keywords=grounding+strap In this case, I am grounding myself... Is that right? Or what is it that I should be grounding :D?

Yes, serves me right trying to answer on the go :) Ground yourself and see if that helps....
I had a problem like that in a hotel room in the Netherlands, both on battery and when plugged in, with my SPro 3. Turned out the problem was largely (though not 100%) related to the angle poise lamp on the desk. Turning that off improved things considerably (though it's still did the odd "button clicks" & mouse jumps).
What kind of lighting is in the room? Fluorescents? Can you turn it off? The ballast transformers can emit noise in both RF and EMI which can feedback via the electrical wiring.

It could be a grounding issue with the outlet Or even the whole building (bear with me...) I once worked on an issue where some computers experienced random malfunctions. The problem was isolated to a ground loop in the building. There was a measurable voltage on a three prong outlet between neutral and ground (this should be zero). The electrician stuck a wire in the ground and connected it to the conduit and it would read zero however this is an incorrect (dumbass) fix. The problem ,must be fixed at minimum at the distribution panel otherwise you still have ground loops. And yeah everything else in the building seems to work fine but there's an electrical problem that been kludged by electricians for years. Good luck getting this resolved.

What's the age of the building? the older it is the higher probability some jackass electrician has made some quick fixes somewhere or some problem developed over time.
Try getting and upscale surge suppressor with RF and EMI filtering or even an isolation transformer.
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