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bluury apps (chrome and lots of others)

I know this is off topic, but how do you take a screen shot using the method you used?

Pretty certain that is the snipping tool:

SO I know the conversation is mostly about Chrome but Im finding that other aps and even windows items like COntrol Panel, etc are not so clear. Is there a setting that Im missing?
SO I know the conversation is mostly about Chrome but Im finding that other aps and even windows items like COntrol Panel, etc are not so clear. Is there a setting that Im missing?

Nope, not missing anything, just Microsoft are obviously really proud of those control panel menus they made for Windows 98, so don't want to let them go :p

EDIT: The sad part is, I'm not actually joking:
Screenshot (77).png
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Nope, not missing anything, just Microsoft are obviously really proud of those control panel menus they made for Windows 98, so don't want to let them go :p

EDIT: The sad part is, I'm not actually joking:
View attachment 2388

Except that isn't Windows 98 on the left, at a minimum it is Windows 2000, as disk management is an MMC which was introduced in IIS 4 under NT 4.0 SP 5 and Dynamic Disks were introduced under Windows 2000 :)
Except that isn't Windows 98 on the left, at a minimum it is Windows 2000, as disk management is an MMC which was introduced in IIS 4 under NT 4.0 SP 5 and Dynamic Disks were introduced under Windows 2000 :)

Touché sir. (I should probably have looked into the Google Image search results a bit more :p)

However, I think my overall point still stands, if that is a screenshot of 2000, it does beg the question of why MS don't dump all this old code.

I know, big businesses need compatibility blah blah but there gets to a point where you just have to let it go - The Windows XP situation is perfect example of this.

I'm not saying "do an apple" and cut out older OS compatibility, altogether... Or maybe I am? The PPC to Intel transition definitely did them a lot of good!
You have to click the little arrow next to the word "New" and change the Snip format...


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