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Poll Windows 10 - Yes - No - Maybe

Will you upgrade to Windows 10

  • I have the Preview and will stick with it

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • I plan to wait untill Microsoft offers it as an update.

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • I plan to wait for a while, after release, before pulling the trigger

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • I will need to think about it but don't have plans to do it any time soon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not sure I want to upgrade

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm sticking with 8.1, (post your reason)

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • I'm going to upgrade or have already then do a clean install when the ISO is posted

    Votes: 14 35.0%

  • Total voters
Upgraded over the weekend. I like it... but it's certainly not perfect. Actually, I think it's worse for pure tablet use, but I have mine docked most of the time and it looks great on a bigger screen.
I upgraded my Surface 3 to W10 but it was so unstable I went back to W8.1. On my desktop I'm running W7 and may not install W10 even though I was running the earlier versions on it. I've heard that some early UEFI systems may have problems installing W10.
Strongly considering rolling my Surface Pro 1 back to 8.1.

Had no idea how much I used the swipe left/right gestures for browsing in Metro IE until they were taken away. Miss the Charms bar on the right side too, and the Metro start page.
I finished upgrading all the computers in my house this weekend: HP Stream 7, Intel Compute Stick, HP Stream Mini PC (all 8.1 Bing), and three desktops I built (two on Win8.1 Pro and one on Win7 Home). As far as challenges go, I did a reset on the Stream 7 so I'd have enough room to download the upgrade files, and I initially had difficulty finding a Win10 NVidia driver for my primary desktop's GTX 760 but that got worked out. Otherwise, all the upgrades completed successfully, and I'm enjoying the new UI, it isn't much of a learning curve. Interestingly, the only upgrade notification I got was on my SP3 although all the others had the Win10 reservation.
I didn't vote because I didn't see an option for upgrading without doing a later clean install, my usual routine.
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Strongly considering rolling my Surface Pro 1 back to 8.1.

Had no idea how much I used the swipe left/right gestures for browsing in Metro IE until they were taken away. Miss the Charms bar on the right side too, and the Metro start page.

Yeah really miss that feature, no idea why they took that away! However I just installed Chrome like I always use, and that still has the swipe function :) (though it's not quite as smooth as IE was)

Start Screen was very useful on the tablet screen yes, can we use Continuum to get a similar result?
Already upgraded my Surface Pro 3, but also already went back to 8.1. Too unstable for a few of my "make my money" programs like Solidworks. I also had lots of other issues like the fan running all the time, battery life severely impacted, Back of case over processor Super Hot, many little issues with the new interface...

I like what is being promised, but it's not there yet...

Where's the voting option for Upgraded / Went back to 8.1?
For the people who went back to 8.1 did any of you actually use it for 24 hours before dropping back. I mean 24 hours of actual use not just have 10 installed for 1 day.
For the people who went back to 8.1 did any of you actually use it for 24 hours before dropping back. I mean 24 hours of actual use not just have 10 installed for 1 day.

Yup. 5 days. I made a list of more than a few of the issues that I had in the Battery Drain thread...I will cut / paste here...
Hey everyone. I did the upgrade to W10, standard upgrade - seemed to go without a problem - stayed with it for 5 days but reverted back to 8.1 because of a few issues. W10 seems a bit premature to me, but I will probably be back when the issues are fixed -
1) Battery drain sounds Very Similar to what the OP posted.
2) Fan was running almost CONSTANTLY and the generated heat was the most I have ever seen in the 8 months I've had my SP3. Super hot to the touch...Never had that before with 8.1 unless I was doing LOTS of design stuff (Solidworks AND Photoshop AND Illustrator, with music and Firefox with a few tabs...) Ove the last 5 days it woudl get That Hot with Firefox / i browser tab open...
3) Solidworks crashed on me about 5 times a day until I did a REPAIR with installation discs, and then it went down to 2 a day. Very Seldom did SW ever full crash on me with 8.1
4) option to "Just make text bigger" option was greyed out - looked all over for a registry hack but..not there yet...and no, I do not want to scale EVERYthing just so I could read things a little better. Even just being able to BOLD the font would be an improvement.
5) Start menu WOULD allow me to make the Metro tile area taller, but not WIDER...Why? That option was everywhere in the previews...
6) Why do programs HAVE to be Alphabetical in the All Apps? I have all of my productivity apps rearrangend by type - CAD / Database, Multimedia, Utility, Productivity, etc...I put them that way for a reason and now...ugh...
7) Cortana worked about 1/4 times. When it worked it was pretty cool...When it didn't...I felt like an idiot. IT's running in the background, probably sucking up Very Valuable CPU time and my battery and..Not Working? Not so good... I am also hoping MS will allow search engines OTHER than Bing natively. I know you can change that IF you are willing to use Chrome and DL a plugin, but...I tend to use Firefox as my default.
7) For all of you who are Staying on W10, I recommend looking in the (Start, Settings, Privacy - Scroll down to Background Apps) and there were 20 programs just clicking away in the background for...some reason? Why the hell does Sudoku need to run in the background? Amazon? Background wallpapers? Why the heck does Background Wallpapers need to connect to the 'net in the background All The Time???Yeah...turned all of THOSE off and about 15 more. P.S. I didn't even INSTALL Sudoku...So yeah. Go check that out...

Anyway, I like the PROMISE of W10 and many of the things that it was trying to offer. Things I loved -
1) Tray Calendar - Pretty and useful. More things like this please...
2) The ability to do dark settings / UI - PLEASE make dark themes! Easier on the eyes...Stylish...
3) Overall speediness seemed..pretty darn good
4) Notification Area - Loved it...and FINALLY an easy way to get to the Bluetooth Devices / Turn BT on / Off. On 8.1 I created a script that runs from an icon on my task bar that pulls it up. On a Surface with Very Limited Battery, an easy way to turn on and off the things that suck power / connect to headphones / web is MANDATORY...

There was more, but...You get the idea..

Hope everyone gets what they want out of the Upgrade. I hope I do too...Someday... :)
For the people who went back to 8.1 did any of you actually use it for 24 hours before dropping back. I mean 24 hours of actual use not just have 10 installed for 1 day.

I put Windows 10 on my Surface Pro 3 on July 29, 2015 and went back to Windows 8.1 last night. So I had it for 23 days so yes I gave it a good chance. I have found that Microsoft has really made using the Surface Pro 3 inconvenient and difficult to use while being used as a tablet.

I miss the touch-friendly Modern UI Internet Explorer from Windows 8.1 to swipe back a page or forward. The Edge browser doesn't have touch gestures and I can't swipe forward or back web pages. The back button in the browser is too small to hit easily and the tabs are also too small. Brutal.

The Star icon in Modern UI Internet Explorer on Windows 8.1 let me do everything with my favorites. In Windows 10 Edge the star Icon only lets me add a favorite. What gives? I need to use a icon with 3 little lines to see any of my favorites with it. What's up with that?

A swipe from the left side of the screen in Windows 8.1 allowed me to quick switch apps. In Windows 10 it's gone and instead, it forces you to load the open app previews and pick one. Annoying.

The brightness icon only allows me to change the brightness in increments of 25%. In Windows 8.1 I had a slider where I could slide the brightness up or down which was far better instead of the 25% increments in Windows 10 as I found I would usually be using it at 35% brightness. I found that if I dig into the control panel under advanced and then I see the slider control for brightness but very inconvenient to get to and no way to allow me to make a shortcut or something to easily get to like it was in Windows 8.1.

In Windows 8.1, OneDrive would let me work with my offline files through Windows Explorer, and choose what I wanted to sync locally and still have access to everything. It was a great feature and worked great in Windows 8.1 but with windows 10 I can't see any of my files that are not synced unless I go through the browser but the browser doesn't let me drag or drop files. Very inconvenient. I am a Office 365 subscriber with unlimited OneDrive space and am very displeased with this change.

Also when using my Surface pro 3 as a tablet the task bar in Windows 10 should be automatically hidden just like it was in Windows 8.1 in tablet mode but in Windows 10 it is always present and annoying. If I manually select the option to hide it, this setting moves over to my non-touch laptops where I want the taskbar to be always visible. I'm always going back and forth turning it on and off again. So dumb.

When using my Surface Pro 3 in tablet mode, the touch keyboard does not appear when i tap on a text entry box in Groove to type something to search for. I have to fiddle with it to bring up the touch keyboard manually.

Then what was the last straw was when I discovered that my favorites in Edge were not syncing to my Windows 10 laptop and vice versa. This isn't even a feature in Windows 10 anymore. What gives?

On a Desktop or laptop without a touch screen, and with plenty of hard drive space for syncing OneDrive, and you only have one computer, Windows 10 is fine, but for my Surface Pro 3 with touch and limited hard drive space, Windows 10 is currently a big step backwards in usability as a tablet. Windows 8.1 was perfect for using my Surface Pro 3 as a tablet. Windows 10 is not. It has potential, but is a way off. Perhaps in the future when all these things are fixed, I'll give Windows 10 another shot on my Surface.
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