The touch issues I have with W10 is mostly on the smaller screens. Small icons make for fat fingering too much with one tap! From my perspective W10 is going to be most beneficial to desktop/non-touch users, the very users that had so many issues with W8/8.1
I use the Surface Pro and Yoga 2 Pro mostly while sitting in the recliner and their smaller sizes are great for that. Touch natural for lounge computing and the 'modern' apps, though light duty are often just good enough.
For desktop use, I use my HP 21" AIO. I've resisted putting W10 on it because one of the early builds just wouldn't work at all as an upgrade and would just booger everything. I'm contemplating doing a clean install on that one as I did that early on with a dual-boot situation and it worked fine. Just have to chase down some drivers.
MS' goal of making a unified OS is all well and good, but the W10 Previews have shown what a nightmare that can be. I will keep reading as time goes on to see if the release will be much improved over the current builds. Frankly I don't expect the touch issues to be solved.
And one biggie with me is that W10's OneDrive implementation just sucks rocks!