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Using Skype (Modern UI) and Skype (desktop)


Well-Known Member

Today I ran into a bit of a problem. I was having a Skype meeting in which I was supposed to share a Powerpoint presentation. As you may know, it is possible to share documents (including PPT) within the Skype desktop app. But when the Skype call was initiated, the Modern UI app displayed a notification that a call was incoming. I ignored it and opened the desktop version. I accepted the desktop call, but could not share the presentation. It was a curious situation. I had three instances of Skype going on at the same time - (1) on the desktop (2) the Modern UI and (3) on my phone (Win 8 Phone Nokia 720).

Any ideas as to (1) how to get the sharing function to work? (it works if I initiate the call from the desktop Skype app but not if I am receiving a call, which is kind of strange; (2) how to avoid having three instances of Skype opening up?

And, any info on whether the Modern UI version of Skype would have this file sharing capability? Do you suggest that I uninstall the Modern UI version?

Btw, all this is only my Win 8 desktop machine.

Thanks in advance.
The Modern UI Skype app does not allow file sharing, regardless of the file being shared. A big flaw IMO. Whenever I am sent a file on Skype through the App, it crashes and takes me a full reinstall in order to get it to work again.
The incoming call should close itself from no answer.

I have to sign out of Skype on my desktop in order for it to not work with the Modern UI app, having them both open at the same time causes lag in conversation for me. If you are signed in on any other app or device, it will pop open and continue to be used.
The Modern UI Skype app does not allow file sharing, regardless of the file being shared. A big flaw IMO. Whenever I am sent a file on Skype through the App, it crashes and takes me a full reinstall in order to get it to work again.
The incoming call should close itself from no answer.

I have to sign out of Skype on my desktop in order for it to not work with the Modern UI app, having them both open at the same time causes lag in conversation for me. If you are signed in on any other app or device, it will pop open and continue to be used.

Well, I just uninstalled the Modern UI version of Skype!!!! In some ways, I think MS did not really think this through at all!!!!
Yes, it's crap... I made a thread about how I was unable to get it working to speak to my girlfriend so had to resort to FaceTime
I do like Apple but I still hate having to go back to them sometimes! Come on Microsoft, you can do it (make apps that actually work)
I realize they have a lot going right now, but they are also a huge company and do multiple things simultaneously. I haven't had any problems with Skype making video calls, but the file sharing thing is really a pain - particularly now that they have cut off messenger. They need Skype to be able to do everything Messenger did + video. You could share files, video, audio and whiteboard with the old, old Netmeeting from Windows 95. Its not like this is a new thing here...
Yes I found my first real need to send a file over Messaging last night, very annoying! Guess it's sticking to emails atm, feels like going back in time... or SkyDrive I suppose.