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Traveling with the SP3


Active Member
Just did a mini vacation over the 4th of July and traveling with the SP3 was so much easier than a laptop.

- Taking it in and out for screening was a breeze
- It's so light (I am use to big ultrabooks) it felt like my laptop bag was empty.
- I was easily able to use my phone as a hotspot and connect the SP3 to it (saved me $45 to avoid getting wifi at the hotel)
- The battery life is amazing when watching videos, I was able to watch about 6 hours of video, play simple games, etc. with battery life to spare.

My favorite part was watching all the iPad/Samsung users trying to rest or hold their devices awkwardly and looking over to see what I was using. I am sure Apple will "innovate" the kickstand idea soon enough and legions of Apple users will think how amazing the feature is.

Anyway, so far very pleased with the SP3, despite all the issues I have had. Being a normal laptop user I feel as though I have upgraded to what is next in line for most laptops.
You know you don't have to take tablets out for screening. . . ;)

(assuming you're talking about airport)

Just read in another forum that he was asked to take his SP3 out of his bag. My gf was told she did not need to take her macbook air out of her bag when she went through security on a recent trip. Seems to depend on airport and/or TSA agent's mood ;)
Seems to depend on airport and/or TSA agent's mood ;)

I can't tell you the number of times this has happened to me, probably everyone here has some story of the huge amount of inconsistencies between one airport's TSA and another's. It is fracking irritating...
As of July 5, ALL smartphones, tablets, readers, and computers must be TURNED ON and looked at by the TSA. They are screening for 'fake' devices with bad stuff inside.

Okay, no jokes about certain brands, please.
As of July 5, ALL smartphones, tablets, readers, and computers must be TURNED ON and looked at by the TSA. They are screening for 'fake' devices with bad stuff inside.

Okay, no jokes about certain brands, please.

... on international flights coming into the US.

Of course, the TSA can ask investigate any electronic device coming through security screening at their discretion.
Back in 1988 I had a monster gas plasma orange display laptop. My boss asked if he could borrow it to go to an electronics show in Germany. No problem. It was voltage auto sensing, (even back then;)) so plugging it in wasn't a problem with an adapter. I had a small round surge suppressor connected to the end of the power cord.

When he got to the airport in Paris to change planes, (keep in mind this was 1988) they wanted him to turn it on before allowing him to go to the gate. He had used all the battery on the plane so it wouldn't turn on. They looked all over for a place to plug it in so he could prove it was really a laptop. They found an outlet at one of the airline ticket counters but when he plugged it in he forgot to take the surge suppressor off first, which was NOT auto sensing.. It smoked and sparked and nearly caught fire (big time) and knocked out the entire ticket counter for that airline. The security people were so upset they told him to go get on the plane without any further checking.

I found out about it when he called from his hotel in Germany and he was concerned that he had destroyed my (very expensive) laptop. No damage, turned on no problem without the surge on the cord.
I had a domestic flight (Canada) two weeks ago. I had an SP2 (not in a box, just sleeve) and my brand new SP3 (still in box) both on my carry on luggage. The guy was so confused when looking at the x-ray machine -- asked me what they were, told me to enjoy my new toy, and sent me on my way.
I'd never had to have my Surface pulled out to check, but on my last trip I had the Power Cover attached and they were like "hey buddy, this thing is as thick/heavy as a laptop!" they had never herad of a Surace
I went thru the airport last week in Philly and did not have to take mine out of my amCase bag. Just unzipped it enough to show em and he sort of did a once over of the inside of the bag. I think it really depends on the security agent you get...
I traveled last year with the first surface RT and left it in my bag because its a tablet. I was eventually asked to take it out. I have a trip coming up so I think i'm just gonna take out my SP3 unless told otherwise
Most of the increased inspections are not for domestic flights. Mostly from only some overseas airports when flying to the US.

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