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Travel Case for Surface Pro 3

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Hi All

I am looking at buying the surface pro 3 250 GB i5

The cover is not for sale in the UK yet and some places have imported from the USA.

Has anyone found a suitable cover othe than the MS one?

I dont want to buy the MS keyborad as the reviews are not too good and I intend using a full size blutooth keyboard and mouse with it

Many thanks
There were quite a few threads about cases and covers I merged them all. This way we have one robust thread.
Here is what I think.

I would get a sleeve or small case without handle. Reason is when I am on the go (like travel, on the train, plane..), I always have a bag of some sort, I think this is true for everyone. For a case or sleeve, I avoid neoprene, I don't know I just don't like the feel of it. Also, I don't see the point of folio cases for Surface.
I had the Manvex case on my Surface Pro -http://amzn.com/B00KQRSLKI. A GREAT case. They have them for SP3 now.

I haven't put one yet on the SP3, and I kind of doubt now that I ever will, because I like the kickstand so much now. SP1 only had one kickstand position, and the case fixed that.

Definitely agree with @sleith001, I at least carry it around in a decently protective bag.
I'm thinking about getting this - can you post any pictures? I'd like to see how it fits in, with and without the cover. Looks very nice!

If you put it in the sleeve without the type cover, it moves around, with the type case it's a very snug fit, it won't move around.

I also have my pen attached to the top.


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Resurrecting this topic. My ideal case would replace my full size laptop case, but have room for accessories beyond just a power adapter (video/usb cables, power cell, and minimal documents). This HP Mini Messenger is as close as I've come to what may meet my needs. It measures 11 x 14 x 3 inches compared to my current full size case at 13 x 16 x 4. Only a difference of 2 inches in height and width, and 1 inch in depth, but everything else I've seen is way smaller or way bigger. Decisions, decisions.


Wow, I really like both of these!