I've had my SP2 since early Feb of this year and really like it. All is working well in the Windows 8.1 mode whether in or out of the docking station and whether in tablet or laptop mode. Where issues have popped up recently is when I go into my companies Virtual Machine mode via Windows 7. It actually works fine when in the docking station. I would normally not use the touch screen when in the docking station but I checked it and it works fine. The problem occurs when out of the docking station. The responsiveness is horrible, in fact, almost non-existent. I put it back in the docking station and all works fine. I will add, since getting my SP2, I have done ALL regular updates but NONE of the firmware update. Seems like there were so many issues with the firmware updates I decided to skip them until I found them necessary. I'm now wondering if these touchscreen issues are now occurring because I haven't done the firmware updates. Anyone else heard of this issue? Thanks in advance.