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Tables in OneNote on SP3

Trying to determine if the SP3 and OneNote would be appropriate for a certain task. Effectively, I would like to use the SP3 as a replacement for a paper notebook.

Imagine I've created a blank table in OneNote. Now, I would like to write in the cells, as though I were writing on a sheet of paper. I don't need character recognition, and indeed don't want to have to use the handwriting recognition pop-up in the on-screen keyboard. I would, however, like OneNote to recognise that I'm writing in a specific cell, or at the least to consider the table and writing as a single image, such that if I moved the table around the page, the writing would move with it. Note, I would like to write in the cells with the pen.
Hopefully this makes sense. If someone knows from experience, or could do a quick test, I would be very appreciative.
Only workaround, and it's really not ideal, would be to draw the table with the pen as well. Could even use a ruler so as to not detach yourself too far from pen and paper :)
Only workaround, and it's really not ideal, would be to draw the table with the pen as well. Could even use a ruler so as to not detach yourself too far from pen and paper :)
What you mean there's no ink table option? :) hmmm something for them to work on...
Insert ink: table n rows, n columns
Ink circle, ink square, ink triangle, etc.
Quality Options: Architect, freehand, playground.
They better get busy :)
You can write with the pen, then take a screen shot by double click on the pen top button, then save it as PDF for exemple.
You will have the table and the hand writing.
What you mean there's no ink table option? :) hmmm something for them to work on...
Insert ink: table n rows, n columns
Ink circle, ink square, ink triangle, etc.
Quality Options: Architect, freehand, playground.
They better get busy :)

No need for an ink table option, they just need to implement what other software has been doing for countless years, enable the user to flatten layer. It can't be that hard to implement surely. To me there must be an intentional reason for this that we don't know about because they've no issue using that kind of feature in their fresh paint app.
Yes, there might have been a reason but there are good reasons for not doing it the way its done. However I thing the ink objects is also an attractive option. I want it all! Sorry if that doesn't fit with the simple dumbed down motif of the day. :)
Only workaround, and it's really not ideal, would be to draw the table with the pen as well. Could even use a ruler so as to not detach yourself too far from pen and paper :)
That's what I do too. If they need the table to be neat, I would have to retype all the ink anyway.
Only workaround, and it's really not ideal, would be to draw the table with the pen as well. Could even use a ruler so as to not detach yourself too far from pen and paper :)
You would only have to do this one time. You draw your table with pen & ruler and then make copies of that page, leaving one page just as the blank table as a template to make more copies. This way the inked table and numbers would be treated as one image.
One caveat, if you need to erase a number you may erase the lines of the table as well.