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Surface RT wifi connection issue

Have been using my Surface a lot since it arrived 11-02. No issues with WiFi to date it just connects.
Home network is Main Router-Netgear WNDR4500 using both 2.4 and 5 also a Dlink DIR-655 setup as a bridge for
a weak signal area I swich between them on a regular basis, two access points in the office with no issues.
I also travel a far bit have been in 6 diffierent hotels since getting my Surface no isses connecting to public networks.
Just thought I would chime in and say that I have this issue as well. This issue has manifested itself on every connection I have made so far. Work, home, public Wifi. Its easily fixed and a mildly annoying bug, but I agree with the Mods that its most likely OS related and can be fixed with a patch. It seems like the WIFI is entering sleep mode. I just reconnect and start.

I also allow the unit to go to sleep on its own and find that after waking it, logging on and popping IE, I still have no connection and need to re-establish the hook manually. Its not a big deal but it would be nice to see this patched up. The live tiles cant be 'LIVE' unless its connected.

I must say that this is one of those things I am absolutely overlooking and its also one of the things you expect. This device has several places that make it feel like it was rushed to production. I still love mine and you NO CAN HAVE!
This seems to be a very strange issue.
Do we have any numbers (real or est.)
I have had no issues and made no changes to the my WiFi settings or network settings.
I currently (on a regular basis) conect to about 10 different networks.
No issues.
Those of you "not" having an issue with the WiFi may either be less sensitive to the problem or you have a router that simply works better. I have found that on any given device some people will feel they have no problems while others see that level of performance as an issue.

I would suggest that anyone having a WiFi problem make certain the firmware in their router is up-to-date. Try restarting the router and/or changing the channel, and fix IP and DNS never hurts and may help..
Something that I have noticed, which I would imagine would be fixed with some updates that are not out yet, is this: I have a N router in my back bedroom, and a N repeater in the middle of the house. My wife's iPad will switch to either the router, or the repeater both of which have the same network name, depending on which has the better signal. Surface does not do this. I wonder if Microsoft is aware?
JP, et al --

That is part of the fun of being an "early adopter," ain't it? If I had expected flawless perfection, I would have ordered an anvil or a sledgehammer, not a Surface RT, which is a new product in a new direction from a company with which I have done business for over 35 years. C'mon, guys. If you want to be a pioneer, you gotta expect a few arrows in your chest from time to time. If sponsoring and supporting this forum constitutes "hiding," then I guess I gotta get a new dictionary.

I have not experienced this issue at all with my Surface but when I first got my Windows Phone 7 it would have similar issues as those being described here. I thought for sure it was the phone because all my devices worked flawlessly on WiFi. One day my router died so I replaced it and my WP7 instantly connected to the new router. Maybe we should list our home router to see if there is a common trend, mine is the Belkin N+ router but it has a custom DWRT firmware on it.
Yep, this is a huge OS problem. I can only hope MS hears this and acts quickly! My iPad has zero issues in this area of loosing WiFi connectivity or "limited WiFi" when everything else works just fine.
What planet did you come from.
This thing was announced last June. It only works with WiFi. They had six months to get it right after the announcement and it is still flawed. A basic element of the whole product should be right from the start. There still is not even an acknowledgement from MS that they know about this problem or they are working on a fix. If you read all the threads on this problem, you would realize that the problem is pervasive.

How are you supposed to use this thing if the WiFi doesn't work.
What planet did you come from.
This thing was announced last June. It only works with WiFi. They had six months to get it right after the announcement and it is still flawed. A basic element of the whole product should be right from the start. There still is not even an acknowledgement from MS that they know about this problem or they are working on a fix. If you read all the threads on this problem, you would realize that the problem is pervasive.

How are you supposed to use this thing if the WiFi doesn't work.

I think this is a bit of an over simplification of the issue. Android devices have had similar issues with wifi. The problem is MS can't possibly test every router configuration and some issues may be related to the Surface wifi software while others may be related to a user's setup. Sometimes it takes being in the wild to get enough information to correct the issue. One of the first things users experiencing wifi issues should try is a reboot of the wireless router and update of the wireless router firmware regardless of whether or not other devices are working on the wifi.

MS does appear to be aware of the issue:

A forum moderator and Surface support engineer at Microsoft, Steven_B, wrote on Nov. 5 that Microsoft was investigating the issue.

"We're sorry to hear about the WiFi going into Limited connectivity and having poor signal strength. We are aware of the issue and are currently investigating the cause," wrote Steven_B on the board.

Microsoft Surface users complain about Wi-Fi problems - Computerworld