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Solved Ethernet/Wi-Fi disabled

Ours are using the factory image.

The Hospital who's network we use, will not be ready for Windows 10 till maybe next month. We have be using their network via Wireless using a Security key instead of certificates till they are ready. Then I connected to each server staff needs to access and saved the users Domain credentials for each connection under a local user on the tablet.
I was having the same issues with my SP4 - I changed the frequency to 5 GHz Only - rebooted and the issues haven't happened since. I did, upon installing VPN software, have a few issues, but I was able to resolve this within the VPN Software.
I was having the same issues with my SP4 - I changed the frequency to 5 GHz Only - rebooted and the issues haven't happened since. I did, upon installing VPN software, have a few issues, but I was able to resolve this within the VPN Software.

Made this change this week and hope the Wireless crashes go away. If not, then I will have to dig into the "Wake up crashes".
Made this change this week and hope the Wireless crashes go away. If not, then I will have to dig into the "Wake up crashes".

I am dying to know - did this happen to clear up your WiFi issues? Not trying to be a pest - just curious. Thanks in advance for any response you might throw our way.
So far zero issues!

FYI, it is your fault now if I get a failure. LOL

Next I dig into Pen and Touch crashes. These tablets have been a joke and have added require far more attention then our older failing tablets.

Plus side, not replacing broken pens each week. Pen tips on the other hand....... Microsoft NEEDs to sell specific sizes in bulk!!!
So far zero issues!

FYI, it is your fault now if I get a failure. LOL

Next I dig into Pen and Touch crashes. These tablets have been a joke and have added require far more attention then our older failing tablets.

Plus side, not replacing broken pens each week. Pen tips on the other hand....... Microsoft NEEDs to sell specific sizes in bulk!!!

No kidding on the pen sizes. I have been able to keep a decent pen tip on mine for almost a year, but the second I drop it - game over. I haven't had any pen issues. Have you tried a new battery, or perhaps installing the Surface Pro 4 Drivers? I have found that doing this often times clears up just about any issue the SP4 is having. I will post a link below. My SP4 ran perfectly until 11 days after the warranty expired (go figure) but I was able to get a refurbished machine anyhow. I won't be buying another Microsoft Product (bar the Xbox) for awhile. I have seen Leenovo has a wicked Surface Like machine out and its beating the Surface Pro 4 in reviews etc. Here's that link I mentioned.

Download Surface Pro 4 Drivers and Firmware from Official Microsoft Download Center

Hope this helps and thanks for your reply - I am headed towards the like button.
The Touch/Pen crash is on the Surface itself, even happens on a fresh battery and usually requires a reboot.

As far as Pen Tips go, I'm still on my original but the staff eats through these things! Some stab the screen, some get dropped, and some just write hard after the issues we had using the XT2s.