My initial suggestion was for a larger screen. That was before I bought the SP4. While at the Microsoft Store I held the MS Book in my hands with the screen detached from the keyboard. Ugh. It was heavy and felt awkward. I'm so used to my iPad with its lightweight and easy to hold in one hand. Right then and there I calmly reattached the display and told the salesman I want to buy an SP4. My mind was instantly made up.
Therefore, I withdraw my suggestion for a larger screen. The fact that I can increase the font size across the board on the Surface, and independently within the Office programs make this size very useable.
Oh, "you made me laugh" goes out to the person who wrote that the new SP5 will be just like the SP4 only everything works. Ha. Funny stuff. BTW, a longer battery life would be nice.
Therefore, I withdraw my suggestion for a larger screen. The fact that I can increase the font size across the board on the Surface, and independently within the Office programs make this size very useable.
Oh, "you made me laugh" goes out to the person who wrote that the new SP5 will be just like the SP4 only everything works. Ha. Funny stuff. BTW, a longer battery life would be nice.