1: the sb screen doesnt need more power then 3 hours ?what rubbish is that, where you got that idea from, that it doesnt need more? Whats the purpose of it, what can you do with it for 3 hours which would satisfi you?whatch a long movie and its dead, so not much, so you bring the dock, but then we are back at being a normal laptop, with semi grafick
2: Thought a sp was a 2in1 (tablet with laptop abillity) also thought the sb was a semi 2in1 (laptop with tablet abillity)
Kinda thought i was the right place
If i could chose the screen size of the sb for a sp, i would ofc(ofc it needs more then 3hour batteri), i want a tablet and not a laptop as the sb is in my oppion, havnt study the sb much, but its not coming with a geforce 970 gtx or that type of power so dont see any use of it at all especially with 3 hours of batteri on screen and semi performance on the graficks for 2000 dollar. I can get the i7 8gb 256 gb ssd and 970 gtx for aprox 1100.- as normal laptop, i know i cant take the 3 hour screen of, but kinda think its a sacrifise i wanna make, the real power vs something inbetween.
Just my oppion, and plz correct me if iam wrong.
Iam here cause i love the sp, the one thing that can make me buy a microsoft product, think ill have to wait for the sp5 though or 6, well at that time it will be swimming with differnt brands doing 2in1 so who knows, lets see in about 5 month time what the sp5 brings to the game.
Their already are lots of 2-in-1's, the surface book doesn't need more than 3 hours because it's that's what it is. If the surface book had more than three hours... it would just be a Surface pro with a mediocre keyboard, that's not the purpose of the unit. The purpose is to get work done, and when you want to get up and sit on the couch then that's what you do. You pull off the screen, have a seat, and take your work with you. If you want a TABLET then get a tablet, not a laptop that's also a tablet. The surface pro line doesn't have much better battery than 3 - 4 hours as it is, so yes, the surface book giving you THREE ACTUAL hours of usage, with another 6 in the dock is amazing. I'm not sure how the SP4 is any better when it gets the exact same battery life, yet has no docking with more power.
If you want a tablet, and not a laptop, then you want a sreen in the tablet arena, which will be less than 13.5 inches, rarely even that large. The only way you'll get that is a device that flips over, like the yoga line, or the dell 7000 series, or the HP 360 series, etc.