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Surface Pro 3 Tips & Tricks

Get Windows Experience Index back.

Okay, so the Windows Experience Index isn't the industry standard for benchmarking, but I miss it. There's a way to get it manually via a combination of command line and Powershell, but I much prefer this free program that shows me the data in a nice clean GUI, very similar to the original WEI.

The program is located here: http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.220

...and here's an example of what the results look like from my I7/256 machine.


  • PerformanceIndex.jpg
    99.9 KB · Views: 803
Shouldn't undervolting help on battery usage?

Sure.. to the extent you can so it stably and reliably, it will help on both battery duration and sustained performance (due to less heat generation, therefore less thermal throttling)
Sure.. to the extent you can so it stably and reliably, it will help on both battery duration and sustained performance (due to less heat generation, therefore less thermal throttling)
Do you know where I could find tutorial for undervolting surface pro 3?
Thanks for the link. After reading the article and some related comments on the subject, I got the distinct impression that the trade off was rebooting after connected standby, and a couple of other potential issues. I installed the Intel utility and ran a stress test, and the unit never exceeded 7% throttling, and was 0% during 90% of the test, so I think I'll stay factory default and pass on undervolting. It was an interesting read though.
According to the Internet... it appears undervolting is the new snake oil... it fixes everything. :)
I can't really disagree with the sentiment. :( I get fan and heat, but so far never the temp shut down. Perhaps our I7 "Cialis" will come in the form of future firmware updates.:rolleyes: It would be nice to see a significant improvement in the performance of the I7 over the I5 given the difference in price.
Does anyone know if there's a swipe gesture to automatically scroll to the top of a webpage like you can do on an iPhone or iPad? With the keyboard attached you can scroll to the top and bottom by pressing Fn left arrow key/right arrow key to scroll to the top and bottom respectively.

So is there a gesture to do that without the keyboard?