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Surface Pro 3 Tips & Tricks

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Show Hibernate in Power Options Menu in Windows 8

I did it via gepedit.msc and it showed up immediately. The GPO created the registry entry that is illustrated in the linked article.

Connected standby is still there


Make adds and most tracking cookies go away in IE. Set it once in either desktop or modern and it sets it up for both. If you sync settings from other 8.1 devices it also syncs there as well.

Go to Internet Options and manage addons. Go to Tracking Protection, find a list online and install both of the Easy List options. They use the ad block plus lists.
If your have already installed any other Antivirus you may want to disable Windows Defender to avoid impacting your performance by having two services scamming all your activities. To do that in the run command type gpedit.msc
, look for Administrative Templates, Windows components, Windows Defender.

Has anyone tinkered with disabling connected standby and putting the SP3 into High Performance mode? I intend to use mine (i7/256gb) as a laptop replacement and a drawing and 3D modeling tablet. I currently do this with an SP2. I always turn off the SP2 (I placed a "Shut Down" tile on start screen). I don't need to turn the SP3 on using the pen and don't need to get email notifications (iPhone does it just fine).
Has anyone tinkered with disabling connected standby and putting the SP3 into High Performance mode? I intend to use mine (i7/256gb) as a laptop replacement and a drawing and 3D modeling tablet. I currently do this with an SP2. I always turn off the SP2 (I placed a "Shut Down" tile on start screen). I don't need to turn the SP3 on using the pen and don't need to get email notifications (iPhone does it just fine).
Actually, if you enable Hyper-V you will gain access to change the Power Profile, that's what many of us has done to have the network card working always at full.
Has anyone tinkered with disabling connected standby and putting the SP3 into High Performance mode? I intend to use mine (i7/256gb) as a laptop replacement and a drawing and 3D modeling tablet. I currently do this with an SP2. I always turn off the SP2 (I placed a "Shut Down" tile on start screen). I don't need to turn the SP3 on using the pen and don't need to get email notifications (iPhone does it just fine).
Easier way would be to type, ”turn windows feature on” in start menu and enable hyper V from there. Then type, "power options" in start menu and set everything to max performance. If you disable hyper v, the power options will stick and you get back connected standby.
Good one! Thanks!

WARNING - this is not supported by Google and could cause problems later on. That said this is an extremely simple hack because the code is already written, it's just not on by default. In fact you could just edit the registry yourself in about 30 seconds.

*Before doing anything you might want to backup your registry. That's just common sense.

Here is the site i followed: Chrome High DPI: How To Enable It In Windows 8, 8.1 (v34+) | Ubergizmo

Double-check to make sure you are running Chrome version 35.x, then scroll down and follow the instructions under Solution (Chrome 35.x). Ignore the rest.

Basically it's just downloading a registry key, running it, allowing it to make changes, then RESTARTING your entire computer. After that Chrome is beautiful.
In addition i also download the "undo" key, just in case a future Chrome update breaks this.

Ran into a problem of my SP3 fans going insane whenever I'm downloading stuff. Looking at Task Manager, something called Microsoft Search Filter Host was constantly taking up 30% or more of my CPU.

After a bit of reading it seems like this is Microsoft's feature that indexes pretty much all the files on your system. Since I don't really use this (I keep my files pretty organized) and just use the search feature for control panel stuff and programs, I decided to disable it.

SP3 has been quiet as a mouse ever since with CPU usage constantly under 10% (usually around 5-8% or so).

This isn't for everyone but if you don't use the search feature for looking up your files or don't mind a *bit* of lag when searching for different functions, you might find it beneficial.
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