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Surface Pro 2 1.9 CPU Lot Numbers

I think the point of the 4200 or 4300 is more this than anything else for me. I will ebay my Surface Pro 2 in 6-10 months from now and I have a really good idea that when people in general (not experts mind up) are looking for the Surface 2 Pro and they see mine listed as 4300u 1.9 ghz and they see Joe Blow's listed as 4200u 1.6 ghz and we're both asking $800. Whose do you think they're gonna buy?:nerd:
Look at you, admitting your mistake ;-) Not always easy to do, nice to see someone can with so little effort...

Ok I'll bite.

I did not make a mistake and was not admitting one. You totally missed my point and if you reread my post you will see I wasn't comparing the Ipad to the Surface. I was making the point that the addition of LTE with a future gen of the Surface will not render the previous version obsolete based on LTE. I was pointing out that the Ipad offers both Wifi and LTE and the demand is such that both sell well and both versions continue to be made available. Not everyone wants LTE. I doubt that microsoft would offer an LTE only version and more likely - actuallly peretty certain - they will offer both an LTE and Wifi only with future versions. There will be plenty of demand for the Pro2 when the 3 comes out. 1st gen is the pro (1) and this is the only model that can claim to be "1st gen."
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Look at you, admitting your mistake ;-) Not always easy to do, nice to see someone can with so little effort...

Sorry but I agree with mountain here and he was never attempting to compare the iPad to the Surface. So if you're joking that's cool just say so but if you're not then please re-read the posts a little closer.:smile:
Just picked up my 256 Pro 2 today (ordered on 31st) and it is lot 1350 with the 1.9 4300 processor. Am happy camper as that is a bonus for me.
I think the point of the 4200 or 4300 is more this than anything else for me. I will ebay my Surface Pro 2 in 6-10 months from now and I have a really good idea that when people in general (not experts mind up) are looking for the Surface 2 Pro and they see mine listed as 4300u 1.9 ghz and they see Joe Blow's listed as 4200u 1.6 ghz and we're both asking $800. Whose do you think they're gonna buy?:nerd:

Just got mine from Frys. It is lot 1349. I am not going to open it and will return it. I definitely want the latest processor for the exact reason you stated above.
Just got mine from Frys. It is lot 1349. I am not going to open it and will return it. I definitely want the latest processor for the exact reason you stated above.

Ouch! I hate that for you! Maybe they can guarantee you a Lot 1351 over the phone? If not then you're kinda in a pickle.
Ouch! I hate that for you! Maybe they can guarantee you a Lot 1351 over the phone? If not then you're kinda in a pickle.

Yea, a little bummed. I have the RT so will hold of fleabaying it for now. I took a crap shoot and lost. I'll just reorder when I am assured I'll get the latest hardware.
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Yorkdale Mall in Toronto, Canada, had a new shipment. I was able to exchange my lot #1343 for a #1351 (the sales rep knew exactly why I wanted that) and I can confirm that it is indeed the new 4300U version. Success!

EDIT: This was for a 256 GB SP2. Thought that I should mention this because someone in the Warranty Exchange thread got a 512 GB SP2 lot #1352 and it was an old processor.
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Yorkdale Mall in Toronto, Canada, had a new shipment. I was able to exchange my lot #1343 for a #1351 (the sales rep knew exactly why I wanted that) and I can confirm that it is indeed the new 4300U version. Success!

Congrats. They exchanged it solely based on the processor update?

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