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Sleep issues ... again (sigh)


Active Member
When I purchased my SB back in October of 2015, it was plagued with sleep/hibernate issues. Failing to wake from sleep, getting hot during sleep, battery draining during sleep, Windows Hello not working after sleep, etc., etc. It was very, very frustrating trying to work with a computer when it was always a roll of the dice whether it would actually turn on or not. After many hours spent reconfiguring settings and many updates, my sleep/hibernate issues appeared to be fixed.

Now, since the Anniversary Update, my sleep/hibernate issues have returned. When the computer is on battery, and it goes into sleep, it will often not wake up the next day, even if it has been plugged in over night. I have to press and hold down the power button for 30 seconds and then do a cold boot from there. I have all my settings configured to sleep, and never to hibernate. I have done the two-button salute (power and volume-up). I have experimented with various combinations of sleep and hibernate.

As has become the norm with the Surface Book - every update is one step forward and two steps back.
I had the problem getting hot about 5 or 6 times but haven't had that issue in a long time even with the anniversary update.
Way back when MS issued some update and proclaimed the Sleep/Hibernate issue fixed, it seemed that it did, indeed, fix the issue for the whole world except for just a handful of folks. Sadly, I was in that handful.

I continued to struggle with the issue for Lord knows how long until some update(s) eventually did fix the issue. Today, I can safely say the issue is behind me but I definitely know what it is like to continue to experience an issue while what seems to be the rest of the world proclaiming the issue has been resolved.

So have you painstakingly tried to disable/re-enable custom apps/services one-by-one to see if that makes a difference? I remember when I had my SP2 that there was some nagging issue that started after a Windows Update. Of course, I blamed MS, but eventually after doing this painstaking troubleshooting, I discovered that it was not due to Windows Update at all but, by coincidence, I had changed my router and there was some Netgear app installed that was causing the issue.

If you haven't already done this testing, perhaps something in the Anniversary Update may have caused an incompatibility with an existing custom app/service. Doing this testing really takes time and patience, though. I remember doing it with my SB and because the Sleep/Hibernate issue didn't occur everyday, it would often mean testing with/without a particular custom app/service took several days.
Thanks for the reply. It seems to be better now, but as you say it was so sporadic that it's kind of hard to know. There was another cumulative update shortly after the anniversary update, and I wonder if that fixed the issue for me. I have not had the issue in probably a week now, so fingers crossed.

I LOVE the Surface Book when it works. I just wish it worked more often.
Way back when MS issued some update and proclaimed the Sleep/Hibernate issue fixed, it seemed that it did, indeed, fix the issue for the whole world except for just a handful of folks. Sadly, I was in that handful.


Yeah, I used to believe that "... except for just a handful of folks." drivel from the Marketing flacks, too.

Until the real figures on this are released in a court of law, the 'figures' are "accurate to a given value of 'accurate'" as far as I'm concerned with MS Surface products.
When I close the lid on my SB, plugged in or not, and come back to it several hours later or in the morning, the chances are 50/50 whether it will spring back to life or just do nothing. When it does nothing, I have to hold the power button down for 30 seconds, then do a cold boot.

It doesn't matter what my power/sleep/hibernate settings are set to. It doesn't matter whether I have programs open or not. It happens anyways.

Microsoft's flagship laptop, and it doesn't turn on properly. From Reddit and Microsoft Answers, this problem is affecting thousands of users. Response from Microsoft = silence.
For the last couple of days, I have made sure my ARC Touch Mouse Surface Edition is turned off before going to bed (by unbending it). My SB has woken properly from sleep since I started doing that. It might be a coincidence - we'll see.
So much for that idea. The last two days my SB was black when I opened it up in the morning, forcing a hard shut down and reboot, and my bluetooth mouse was turned off the whole time.

Microsoft, if you are listening, please fix the SB so it does not crash in the middle of the night. There are MANY users who are struggling with this problem.
Yeah, I used to believe that "... except for just a handful of folks." drivel from the Marketing flacks, too.

Until the real figures on this are released in a court of law, the 'figures' are "accurate to a given value of 'accurate'" as far as I'm concerned with MS Surface products.
No, I wasn't referring to Marketing and drinking their Kool-Aid. Rather, after they issued the update that claimed to fix the issue, based on the user feedback all over the internet, it was working for everyone except for what seemed to be a handful of us unlucky souls.

It was very frustrating to see practically everybody else in the world jumping for joy while we continued to struggle and be frustrated.