I could use some help from you guys. My internet *works*, it's just super slow on my SP3.
I recently got WiFi set up at my new apartment, rated at 18 Mbps, and my Surface Pro 3 (running Win 8.1, not the technical preview) is getting terribly slow speeds. I get anywhere from 0.5 - 1.5 Mbps download speeds, and surprisingly, from 1.5-2.5 Mbps upload speeds (upload is faster than download).
To make sure it wasn't my network, I ran a speed test off of a few other devices. On my windows phone, I consistently get 13 Mbps download speeds (triple checked to make sure it was on WiFi).
I haven't tested an ethernet connection yet, as I don't have an adapter on me (yet), but does anyone know what could be going on?
I have tried out my Surface Pro 3 on other networks (like my school and parent's house) and it gets normal speeds. What could be going on with my new installation to cause such low download speeds?
One thing that confuses me is all of these random things on the WiFi page:
Could any of those be causing the issue? I don't understand why I need an ethernet adapter to get my wifi working, but if I disable any of them it stops functioning.
On top of that, here are my network speed test results:
Thanks so much for your help!