Well, a refresh did nothing. 9% battery loss during the 4 hours of connected standby before hibernate last night, after the refresh (did not reinstall anything that was removed, other than XTU which was not running when I put it in standby).
No activators or activity showing in sleepstudy, all green except for the standby session itself which was red >900mW drain during 4 hrs, 9% loss.
Guess I'll do a full reset, and if it's still such high drain I guess the hardware is defective or something? I am kind of at a loss.
And please, if anyone can give me a value to EXPECT, I would appreciate it. I've seen a couple posts saying what I am seeing is not normal, but I don't know what IS normal for this situation (very little if anything running, WiFi connected). 2%? 4%? 1%?
Appreciate the help, I am still in the return window so I can take it back if necessary (again, this is Surface number 4, losing hope).