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It's that time of the month again

I'm waiting to see if my screen dimming issue goes away with this. It seems interesting to me that this firmware is actually dated with today's date while the long awaited (promised even) firmware update due on 1/14 that actually showed up in part on 1/17 or even 1/18 still showed December 2013 dates if I'm not mistaken. Almost makes me wonder if this one isn't the long awaited read deal!

One can hope!:big smile:
Well, one issue that has NOT been fixed with the latest firmware update is the "silent BSOD" that occurs when going into/coming out of sleep. Just had that happen after some testing. Keyboard seems to be slightly improved (sometimes when coming in/out of sleep, the scrolling on the Touchpad is reversed from where I had it set; that hasn't happened, at least yet).
I'm waiting to see if my screen dimming issue goes away with this. It seems interesting to me that this firmware is actually dated with today's date while the long awaited (promised even) firmware update due on 1/14 that actually showed up in part on 1/17 or even 1/18 still showed December 2013 dates if I'm not mistaken. Almost makes me wonder if this one isn't the long awaited read deal!

One can hope!:big smile:

Oh. I figured out a fix for this issue, and doesn't affect battery life (at least on my side), also solves the banding issue :)
Color Banding and dynamic contrast FIX (I made a fix) - Windows Phone Central Forums
I'm waiting to see if my screen dimming issue goes away with this. It seems interesting to me that this firmware is actually dated with today's date while the long awaited (promised even) firmware update due on 1/14 that actually showed up in part on 1/17 or even 1/18 still showed December 2013 dates if I'm not mistaken. Almost makes me wonder if this one isn't the long awaited read deal!

One can hope!:big smile:

What a stupid post! This guy is a freaking loser!:yelling:

Haha, I'm laughing at myself of course for even thinking that all is well for a change. Of course it isn't. I don't have the screen dimming issue on wakeup anymore at least I don't think I do. Why is that you ask? Well because now my Surface Pro 2 just won't time out to go to sleep. That's right, this bad boy just runs and runs until the battery dies! Oh well I'm glad I've got 3 power cords...
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What a stupid post! This guy is a freaking loser!:yelling:

Haha, I'm laughing at myself of course for even thinking that all is well for a change. Of course it isn't. I don't have the screen dimming issue on wakeup anymore at least I don't think I do. Why is that you ask? Well because now my Surface Pro 2 just won't time out to go to sleep. That's right, this bad boy just runs and runs until the battery dies! Oh well I'm glad I've got 3 power cords...

don't be so hard on yourself, alternatively, The WebAlias Network presents: FAQ: Wie zitiere ich im Usenet? at learn.to/quote :)
Oh god not this again.

Should i risk it?

I just got home to my advanced replacement unit. They guaranteed a 4300 since that was the serial number of what I needed replaced well I received a slightly scratched on the rear 4200. No way I'm taking this...
I just got home to my advanced replacement unit. They guaranteed a 4300 since that was the serial number of what I needed replaced well I received a slightly scratched on the rear 4200. No way I'm taking this...

Yea. It would seam that Microsoft doesn't know which CPU is in the Surface Pro 2, because they just put in what they have, and not follow a batch number. They order the 4200 and 4300.
They did say that the 4300 was used due to shortage of the 4200 CPU (well not directly, but it's obvious that is meant)

The possibly better news, is that you can argue that were guaranteed the 4300, and might be pressured to give you a new Surface Pro. While it might have the 4200, at least it will be new, and not scratch.
I just got home to my advanced replacement unit. They guaranteed a 4300 since that was the serial number of what I needed replaced well I received a slightly scratched on the rear 4200. No way I'm taking this...

Same here, just got replacement number 2 this evening after they promised me a 4300. This one is definitely refurbished (scratches around the USB and power connectors) PLUS this one idles at 60% (instead of 30%) when it resumes from hibernation with an SD card in!!!!!! On hold with these friggers now.