Today the laggies and page not responding are back, I guess it's only odd number days... Both IE and Edge are laggy but only Edge, so far is displaying the Recover Webpage dialog. it seems to be an issue with graphics.
One page with an animated gif was extremely slow.
Even scrolling up and down the page(s) freezes.
A cursory look at Task Manager and Resource Monitor reveal no obvious culprits for this situation.
Going to check another Windows 10 computer that's not running Creators Update for comparison. This i5-M480 laptop computer with a real HDD is less powerful than the I5 SP3 so ... it shouldn't be faster since it has slower CPU, slower graphics, slower RAM, & slower Disk.
Update: Yep, officially slower n laggier than my old test laptop running W10 1607 B 14393.969.
As I typed this I got a weird audio static burst from the speakers... that's just wrong. I have been running my S3 with audio disabled due to weirdness... may have to try the same now on the SP3.
BTW anyone know what the heck "Windows Audio device graph isolation" does??? I swear this is a CIA inspired module