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i7 SP3 overheating issues fixed yet?

Jack Tong

New Member
Hi all,
I have an i7 model SP3. My unit also suffers the overheating as described on many posts and reviews.
Since after I got the SP3 and dock, I have retired my desktops. I bought into MS marketing hype that it is a desktop replacement. :(
I called MS local support in Hong Kong today, they have offered to replace a new unit. When I asked has the issues been fixed, the question was never answered. The manager only asks me when I purchased and I said mine was the first batch in Hong Kong.
According to your knowledge, is there any specific batch that doesn't suffer from the over heating problem?
My unit basically heats up massively and the fan never turns off even at idle with not many apps running. CPU usage can be as low as 5% and the fan just won't stop. Coretemp reports about 52 degree Celsius at almost no load and it gets up to 90+ (have seen 98C) under load.
So I guess the question is is there a point in exchanging? or simply just demand a refund (not usual in Hong Kong)? since I can't use it at all?
thanks and regards,
You said yours was the first batch in Hong Kong. I wonder if they had manufacturing or design issues initially - especially since there seems to also be significant WiFi issues with the earlier SP3's. We have just purchased 6 SP3's for our office and they came in last week. So far no one has any WiFi or heating issues and they are used full times at desktops and also roaming around campus on our WiFi. . All of them are i7 with 512GB SSD. We did have one that can no longer see its battery, but I suspect it was dropped.

I am not sure if Microsoft is unaware, or maybe they are aware and just don't want the bad press. But if I was in your shoes I would try to get a refund. I would say exchange it but I can't guarantee the heat and WiFi issues have been fixed in the new units, that is just my experience.
YMMV You need to look at Task Manager or Resource Monitor to determine the cause of CPU utilization. You can also look at powercfg /energy to determine what is using resources.

What you describe is NOT experienced by many people. You may have processes running unnecessarily or inefficiently which might be corrected by refreshing but without first looking at what the culprits are such actions are unwarranted.

Additionally you may have installed software that is causing the problem.

Barring any of that there is always the possibility of a defective unit.

In summary it's not a universal problem experienced by everyone and the causes vary as widely as personal use cases.
My i7 is from a recent batch and I've never seen the thermometer sign. I also have all of the updates. I think the initial batch may have had production issues, but they are not there for me.
I've got an i7 - batch number 1429 and I've never seen the thermometer icon either. I'm using photoshop, adobe flash pro cc and corel video studio and I've never had a heating problem.

(i was scared when I bought the device as I read that the batch 1429 had a serious heating problem)
Try the new unit out. The i7 runs the fan on very frequently though in my experience. It is the nature of the device.

The reason I think you have a defective unit though is because it reaches that 90 degrees...that is too hot
Mine had never overheated, I never had the thermometer icon. The fan only comes on when running tasks I'd expect to stress it. Mine was first batch in UK. Very happy with mine.
I was just running the Intel Burn in Test V.2.54 on my i7/256G SP3.

The SP3 passed the test of course and this is the same test I use for overclocking systems.

The maximum temperature was 92C but hovered about 88C most of the time. The performance seemed quite stable too.

It was a bit hot on the back to touch which you would notice if you had it in the lap.

The fan was audible but just a soft whoosh.

This burn in test runs the CPUs at maximum which is why it is used for testing as it replicated extraordinary conditions that you wouldn't normally encounter in practice. Video editing for instance won't stress the CPUs this much.

I think buyers can be confident that the i5 or i7 will run just fine and with a good level of performance.
I had use the Intel burn-in test before on my desktop, but never thought to use it again. I will try to run it tonight and see what the temp recording is.

But currently, I have 2 external monitors on daisychain DP, run a stock charting program, a Java based program. CPU runs between (2x% to 5x%), memory usage is a bit more (50-60%), core temp records (50C idle and around 60-70 most of the time with these apps running. 90+ in some extreme scenarios). My stock data is real time, but it sometimes run on SP3 like it's replaying data (a few mins lag).

Java based program is using around 9% CPU
Stock program uses 15% but 20% memory.

Pretty much when it's docked, I can assume 50+C idling.
Un-docked, 42C idling.
So running docked, dual monitors with real-time data stream java charting application.
Why did you get an SP3? You need a workstation.

What Marketing hype said you could replace your "Workstation" or "Desktop" they say laptop and always show Ultrabooks. It's fair to say it can replace some devices without replacing ALL devices.

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