Super Moderator
Obviously the Start button is a deeply personal issue. Like so many deeply personal issues there is clearly a right and wrong answer as to its inclusion in Windows (personally I am Start button agnostic and think it may or may not be included
) Whatever the reasons for MS's choices, our choices are very simple.
1) Adapt and learn to work in the environment provided. Learn a couple of new gestures and key combos.
2) Make changes to the environment to suit your preferences. Put the start button back, stay in desktop, use third party alternatives.
3) Choose not to use the environment at all. Don't buy or upgrade to Windows 8.
Of course if you don't like any of those choices one can always go with the L.C.D. fallback option. Continue on with what you dislike but throw your arms up in the air, declare conspiracies and demand that the world changes to suit you. This of course will lead to the ultimate power of having your cake and eating it too
Henceforth I shall respond to all complaints and lack of tolerance for the disenfranchisement of the Start button in Windows with the simple refrain: "Put it back then." With this simple action an individual may grant the Start button with equality of inclusion, reprise from obsolescence and an endurance of fondness.
Obviously the Start button is a deeply personal issue. Like so many deeply personal issues there is clearly a right and wrong answer as to its inclusion in Windows (personally I am Start button agnostic and think it may or may not be included
1) Adapt and learn to work in the environment provided. Learn a couple of new gestures and key combos.
2) Make changes to the environment to suit your preferences. Put the start button back, stay in desktop, use third party alternatives.
3) Choose not to use the environment at all. Don't buy or upgrade to Windows 8.
Of course if you don't like any of those choices one can always go with the L.C.D. fallback option. Continue on with what you dislike but throw your arms up in the air, declare conspiracies and demand that the world changes to suit you. This of course will lead to the ultimate power of having your cake and eating it too
Henceforth I shall respond to all complaints and lack of tolerance for the disenfranchisement of the Start button in Windows with the simple refrain: "Put it back then." With this simple action an individual may grant the Start button with equality of inclusion, reprise from obsolescence and an endurance of fondness.