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Solved another SP3 screen craps out


Active Member
Am I the only person for whom the touch screen fails after some number of months? I'm on my third SP3 and on a business trip I notice I can't swipe in from the left. in fact, finger touch only works on about 1/3 of the screen (pen is OK).

under warranty so I'm not mad, but a bit disappointing. maybe I am too hard on it, though I carry it in a case most of the time and the rest it is usually sitting in a dock (brought one on this trip).

Am I the only person for whom the touch screen fails after some number of months? I'm on my third SP3 and on a business trip I notice I can't swipe in from the left. in fact, finger touch only works on about 1/3 of the screen (pen is OK).

under warranty so I'm not mad, but a bit disappointing. maybe I am too hard on it, though I carry it in a case most of the time and the rest it is usually sitting in a dock (brought one on this trip).


Your third SP3??? Dang, do you use it to block explosive rockets or something?

All joking aside, the touchscreen is a bit fragile, but which screen isn't. Had to call support to send me a new one after a third of my touchscreen stopped responding to touch, pen worked just fine. Make sure you're not dealing too much pressure on it tho.
Am I the only person for whom the touch screen fails after some number of months? I'm on my third SP3 and on a business trip I notice I can't swipe in from the left. in fact, finger touch only works on about 1/3 of the screen (pen is OK).

under warranty so I'm not mad, but a bit disappointing. maybe I am too hard on it, though I carry it in a case most of the time and the rest it is usually sitting in a dock (brought one on this trip).


I swear, that some people have a higher electric current in their bodies :D. Definitely understand your frustration OP!! But I have seen a couple posts like yours now where the same user goes through multiple touch displays. Interesting.
It's just you... really... think about situations where you might apply external pressure to the screen. like in that case... is it jammed in there with other stuff or tightly packed in a briefcase? something is causing screen failures, be aware of your surroundings. now I know you're likely to think no, no, nothing like that... but it really is. Doing the same thing will yield the same results. How many months till #4?
I had this with a laptop and blamed poor quality manufacture then remembered I was carrying it a case with things pushed up against it.
I had this problem on 3 units - and solved it on 3 units:


I am very sure running the linked software will resolve your problem as well.

WOW, IT WORKED!!!!!!!!

I cannot thank you enough. I cannot believe this. You've saved me a trip to the MS store in a foreign country and having to resync 200G of data, plus reinstalling programs, if I had swapped it for a replacement.

mods pls mark as solved