Ordered the Grifti for my SP1. Neoprene covered AL slate looks like the right idea for "lapping" the SP type covers. If it works, it will remove my only issue with getting the SP3. $16 is cheap for a solution. I see there are bigger ones.��
I'll be curious if it meets your need.
It's kinda a hassle to carry with you, but OK to keep in one location like the living room. I got carried away and bought most/all of their lapdesks and wrist pads in various sizes (just search
Amazon for "grifiti pad" and "grifiti deck", or see the
manufacturer page). I only started looking in the first place because a family member wanted extra wrist support/cushioning...
There are many SKUs it gets confusing (and makes my OCD flares up heh). They have slim wrist pads only 0.25" thick for today's thin keyboards/trackpads like those from Apple, Logitech, or the aforementioned
ThinkPad. Comes in 5, 12, and 17 inch lengths, with grippy neoprene rubber base (top is either nylon or smooth rubber -- get the latter).
The fat wrist pads (0.75" thick) are for thicker keyboards/laptops. Same base but only comes with nylon top, in 8, 12, 14, and 17 inch lengths. There's also a 'big-ass' 17" version that's twice as deep at 8" (bought it just for fun).
They also offer tacky-silicone palm pads that you can stick to either side of a laptop's touchpad, for extra support and to cushion the MacBook's sharp edges. Either 2mm or 0.25" thick.
The aluminum decks (lap desks) are barely 0.25" thick, in 13, 15, and 17 inch lengths (12 inch deep). Covered with neoprene (top and bottom). Also comes in "platform" combos that bundle a lap desk with a matching slim or fat wrist pad, in various lengths (may or may not save you money, check current prices).
Whew that was more than I'd intended to type...
P.S. I'd initially tried the 17" lap desk to have a tiny bit of extra space to use a portable mouse next to the SP2, till I discovered that the textured neoprene surface grips the mouse from moving (d'oh). So I plopped the 12" smooth slim pad vertically down the right side as kind of a mouse pad.
Thing is, I don't even need a mouse when using the ThinkPad keyboard (love that TrackPoint after having used it for years). So I switched to the 13" lap desk