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WTH Microsoft - Reservation Pass


New Member
I just rang Microsoft regarding opening times for Sat for collecting the Surface Pro as I have a reservation pass.

Firstly the line was terrible and could not hear them.

But they said that the reservation pass does not guarantee a Pro and its first come first served !!!

Whats the point of having the cards then !!!

Anyone else heard this - seems like a pretty big screw up if so - I will not be happy !!!
My Microsoft store never asked me which model I wanted (64gb or 128gb) to reserve when I received my reservation pass earlier this week. Yesterday somebody from the store called me confirming that I would still be purchasing one and which specific model I wanted. I informed them that I wanted the 128gb and the Microsoft Store employee informed me that a 128gb Surface Pro would be held for me and reserved with my name on it and that I could come anytime on Saturday to pick it up. She also informed me that the store would be open an hour earlier than they usually open due to the fact that they have a lot of interest in the Surface Pro.
Between this and the "RT trade in option" it sounds like the MS stores are very inconsistent in their messages.
From what I can tell, the card does not indicate anything... the receipt that you get that shows the version that is reserved for you is the only thing that counts. I received two cards, and two receipts.
What I saw at the MS Stores for the RT release, those with cards didn't need to wait in the line but were able to go into the store and complete the purchase, but it didn't guarantee that they wouldn't run out before they came in....
Perhaps I'm crazy... but at 1K+ (out the door) I don't see MS having a supply problem unless they create it (by producing limited number, like other MFG's have been known to do). Good news on the card though.. I have no interest waiting in lines for my Pro(s).
Perhaps I'm crazy... but at 1K+ (out the door) I don't see MS having a supply problem unless they create it (by producing limited number, like other MFG's have been known to do). Good news on the card though.. I have no interest waiting in lines for my Pro(s).

You realize this is actually very likely :eek: Not because they "create it" as others companies may but because MS isn't a hardware manufacturer and they have very limited capacity to make these devices. They are working with non-traditional partners because 1) the traditional manufacturers already have large contracts using their capacity in place with the other big companies and 2) the vapor MG is a new process and few places are capable of doing it for electronic devices. Add on top of that this is a first generation device from MS and they may be conservative with their production run to avoid a large over stock of an unsuccessful product (since they don't have previous experience to predict sales) and you get a formula for limited supplies. Yes I realize it is in their interest to make as many as they can as fast as they sell them but in reality that doesn't always work out.
There will be enough to go around. When I stood in line for the RT there were only a few people ahead of me. After the reviews of RT, I dont really believe that the lines for the Pro will be so bad.
I live in the wrong Country. The 128GB is available in Canada as it should be everywhere. Microsoft don't you want to sell product?