@sharpcolorado what version of lightroom do you use, mine keeps crashing...
No issue on my side. Check your Internet Option panel settings and Edge web browser settings (not sure if they are linked)Anyone else constantly getting an "only secure content is being displayed" popup in Edge when on this forum? Seems to have started very recently.
I might have figured it out. I deleted the lightroom folder in pictures, had it remake the catalog and now it seems to be working.@sharpcolorado what version of lightroom do you use, mine keeps crashing...
That is exactly what Microsoft did with Windows 10.![]()
@sharpcolorado what version of lightroom do you use, mine keeps crashing...
Pretty much how windows 10 ehaves in tablet mode. start screen is always there, open an app and you use the app, close it and it takes you back to the start screen (which can be really annoying).
While you have your opinion, the general opinion appears to be that tablet mode in win 10 to be far superior to in 8.1. I used 10 since the release of the beat, and upon getting the s3 a month or two back with 8.1 on it, 8.1 was just a dinosaur in comparison for tablet use. Following their work on win 10, those MS software engineers and such must be sat there thinking how in gods name did we create and release that crap?
Here is what I hate with Windows 10:
-> Unable to hide drivers update. I don't mind Windows update (until they force include Bing tool bar and all that crap, cross my fingers they don't). The problem with drivers being forced installed is that it doesn't allow custom install, it includes and will install all sorts of crap. For example, in the case of Nvidia, it install all that 3D Vision crap which causes problem with some games. And to top things over, it install GeForce experience which I don't want or care about, it does nothing for me, and Nvidia Updater. Which checks for updates, despite Windows doing that already. Sure you can remove it, but you'll have to do this every month or sometimes twice a month... And it is not just with Nvidia, Intel for example with its SATA controller, USB/internal wireless card added to a system (not laptops), which manufactures LOVES to make their own wireless connection manager, but it is made either by interns that were not paid or outsourced to China or India, with the piss poor looks and super buggy. You need to remove it to use the perfectly working, simple Windows one, but nope.. next update, expect to have it all replaced with the drivers one again.
-> No more per application volume control. Well the old panel is there you need to dig for it. And Windows Apps (universal apps) are not included, like Windows 8 with it's ModernUI apps.
-> Brightness control is a button which you can change from tapping it with the choice of 25%, 50%, 75% 100%. No 0% option, and no fine tuning, and have to tap it several times.
-> when you open the Settings panel, the keyboard auto-pop's up, because the search box is selected, making you close the keyboard every time.
-> Touch screen keyboard no longer lift windows above, so now the keyboard is always in the way from showing
-> If you use the full touch keyboard (that is the one with all arrow keys, F1, F2, F3,etc.. keys, and so on), sometimes the Shift key doesn't work, and remains not working until you restart the system.
-> Sometimes, even on the task bar search box, the touch screen keyboard doesn't pop-up
-> Optional Feature section in the Settings is a huge mess.
-> Settings panel, especially People apps looks like it was slap together the night before Windows 10 is released.
-> Some apps has night/white theme, others don't, some used to have it but no options to switch to. It's like they had this idea of 2 teams, was working on it, then forgot about it mid way.
-> Cannot hibernate the system from the Start Menu.
-> Accent color can only be selected from a pre-defined list of colors. No custom colors.
-> Windows Desktop Apps can't define a color for the program title bar, but Windows Apps (universal apps) can.
-> On the start menu, you can't right-click on a folder item to delete it or open the folder that contains the Start menu items.
-> OneDrive panel is from Windows 7. Never been updated
-> No more easy access to the power plan option to select Power Saver mode
-> Acton center has a light gray border line on the left, but it doesn't reach to the absolute top.
-> When you first login and you right-click with you finger on your touch screen on an desktop icon or desktop itsekf, the menu is not touch friendly like it will be on the following time you do it.
-> Icons sets are a mess. I don't mean that I don't like the icons.. no I am fine with it. What I mean is that we have Windows Vista/7/8 icons, mixed with Windows 10, mixed with Windows 98 and Windows 3.1 icons. Why can't Microsoft just update all their icons! Come on! Fine I get it with Vista, new icon set they did an incredible job, they are just so many icons I get it why they didn't finish updating the rest. And now with WIndows01 they barely did a few, so when you open device manager it is this miss match of icons. Come on!
-> Microsoft can't grasp how make a black theme. Contrast is too high. Don't use black with perfect white text. You want a soft white/light gray and gray text. Cortana white boxes inside, make it look like they didn't finish.
-> Music app / XBox App / Grove App GUI looks needs a lot more work. It looks like this 5min job Spotify rip off, especially that the Weather, News, Sports App, Finance apps for example, look very nice. I also really like the Mail and Calendar app.
And I think you start seeing a patern for most of my complaints... it's not done at the end-user level experience. Windows 10 has a lot of hype, which is excellent. Windows 8 had none. So it will be adapt well, but if it was following Windows 7 impressive release, it would be a huge let down. They need another 6 months working ONLY and exclusively on the GUI, and another 3 to 6 months to fix the bugs exclusively, if I may be perfectly honest.
While I am sounding I am bashing Windows 10, I am being critical because I want Microsoft to succeed. Overall I like Windows 10 very much. I like tablet mode, I think it makes sense, and works well. Scrolling up/down instead of side-to-side makes more sense when you are holding a tablet, as you can have both hands on the device and scroll with your thumb. Windows 10 has a lot of things I like , the list is very long.
If you are still with me, a cool bonus, is you have Windows 7 or 8 with Media Center, you'll get a DVD playback app for free in Windows 10. I have a lot of ISOs from backups DVDs. So this is nice. I don't want to get PowerDVD and similar software because their player is this overbloated software and include an uncountable of crap which no one will use, and installs a bunch of software at startup that you NEED in order for the player to run, else it won't, and the software cost a fortune at the price of Windows. To me it makes no sense, an Operating System is this infinitely more complex software which requires countless highly expert people to work on as well as a talented developer staff. And they just make a player with a bunch of crap you have no choice to install and run, reducing battery life of your system, poorly optimized left and right, looks ugly, and charges the price of Windows. No ability to just get the codec and use Windows Media Player. Nope. So I am excited about that. I wouldn't mind paying 10$ more for a Blu-Ray player codec either.
-> Brightness control is a button which you can change from tapping it with the choice of 25%, 50%, 75% 100%. No 0% option, and no fine tuning, and have to tap it several times....
I have made a program a while back to control the screen brightness, like actually control the back light of the screen. Also works on most decent desktop monitors. (To be more specific, I have implement the ACPI and DDC/CI protocol, and use that community with the monitor to adjust the brightness).I created a script to do 0% right on the desktop -- double click and done for those rare times I need it that low (in bed for example).