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Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

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I'm hoping for a new build that's the next best thing to the GA build that will be released on the 29th. Or, the second-to-next best thing, if Microsoft releases another build, say, two weeks beforehand. Although I can't imagine _that_ build being much different than what they release on the 29th.

Now, that said, what I'm even more hopeful for is a build that leverages the June firmware update (which I still haven't received on mine) to make the SP3 finally work well with Win10 in terms of battery life, sleep, and general performance. If that build doesn't come tomorrow, then no later than Friday, certainly.
Anyone know what the small "target" looking icon is in the taskbar? any time i see it and go to hover over it it vanishes before i can work out what it is.
Anyone know what the small "target" looking icon is in the taskbar? any time i see it and go to hover over it it vanishes before i can work out what it is.
Yes. It means that you have an app that request information from your system to locate you general area.

Such app can be:
-> Weather app
-> Cortana itself to get you region news and see if you need/set Cortana to remind you of things at a location.
-> Maps

Every time an app request any information from Windows that is related to your location, that icon will appear. You can disable which app (or all) you want to give permission to access your location in the Settings panel -> Privacy.

Please note that this applies to Windows App (aka: Universal Apps), and not Windows Desktop Apps (aka: Win32 programs (or "normal programs" if you want), for example: PhotoShop, Firefox, Chrome, your anti-virus , etc.)
Makes sense. Other than that nothing was running and have never used cortana, weather, or maps.
If you ran them once, then they every now and then they'll connect and get the latest stuff on the web. for the life tile feature, or in the case of Cortana check stuff up based on your location.

Again, you can turn it full off from the Privacy section of the Settings tab.

It would be nice to have some sort of log of what does these permission requests from Windows for each event, and how many times.
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