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Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

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Speaking of weird. Went to bed last night and Firefox was running smooth fast and quiet on latest build. Woke up this morning and suddenly it's a lagfest. Touch system wide is spotty and unresponsive. No updates happened overnight that I can tell.

This built is funny how it just suddenly decides to change on it's own.
Yes and I seem to be getting problem, where the desktop seem to be splitting in half , if I have a web page open and close the cover and reopen it, and the network seem to have gone flaky not wanting to connect from sleep mode,
I thought have we had a update
Haven't heard of this from anyone else on Build 9926. So to start trying to help: Make sure you are "verified" on your 8.1 , and check your online Microsoft account for any issues.

Then on Windows 10, can you "Refresh" ?

If by "verified", you mean having a MS account linked to my domain account, then yes. I cannot refresh my Windows 10 install, because I cannot log in. I do have the option to do a roll back from the bootloader (I can choose my 8.1 or tech preview to boot, or do a roll back). That's what I did last night though. When I did the roll back to the previous build, I was able to log in just fine. It was only after I installed the update that I cannot log in. And like I said, I can log into my 8.1 install just fine. It's so strange since I was running the updated build without any issues. I do recall getting the password error once or twice right after I initially updated to the new build last week, but after a reboot, it let me in. Not anymore.

Is there a way to do a refresh on the tech preview without actually logging in? I assume that running the refresh from my Windows 8.1 install wouldn't touch the 10 partition...

Thanks for the suggestions.
Can you create a new account on that Windows 10 machine, and for now, login on that one, then revert to your proper account after that works.
Can you create a new account on that Windows 10 machine, and for now, login on that one, then revert to your proper account after that works.

It seems as if the update somehow removes my domain account. I was able to get logged in with my local admin account. Going into the computer properties showed me on the domain. I re-joined the domain, the SP3 rebooted, and I am now able to log in. It went through the initial automated setup (The "Hi" screen and the like...), and now it seems fine, old desktop and all. Not sure what happened in all of that...
Had to revert back to 8.1 for reliability at work. Amazes me how fast reverting is, like 5 minutes max. It really does expose how far Windows 10 has to go. The entire 8.1 experience is so much smoother. The fan never runs. The computer never gets hot. No lag, no stutter. The upgrades on W10 usually lure me back but honestly, it's not even close at this point.
Had to revert back to 8.1 for reliability at work. Amazes me how fast reverting is, like 5 minutes max. It really does expose how far Windows 10 has to go. The entire 8.1 experience is so much smoother. The fan never runs. The computer never gets hot. No lag, no stutter. The upgrades on W10 usually lure me back but honestly, it's not even close at this point.

Just run it in a small VM (< 10GB) and follow along.
Had to revert back to 8.1 for reliability at work. Amazes me how fast reverting is, like 5 minutes max. It really does expose how far Windows 10 has to go. The entire 8.1 experience is so much smoother. The fan never runs. The computer never gets hot. No lag, no stutter. The upgrades on W10 usually lure me back but honestly, it's not even close at this point.

I hear you, lots left to fix. At the same time, the more I use Windows 10, the more I'm simultaneously amazed at how much they've accomplished so far. They're moving at a remarkably fast clip, and so while I'm frustrated with how things are, I'm very confident that they'll fix things up by the time it ships toward the end of the year. I'm not expecting it before October, however...

The real proof in the pudding, for me, is just what Windows 10 on phones looks like. I can't imagine that it's not going to be a hot mess, and I'm really, really reluctant to load it on my Lumia 830. But I will, I suppose, because right now Windows Phone is kind of a lame duck... I know, this is mostly off-topic, but to keep it relevant I do believe that if Windows 10 on phones is looking even remotely decent then the guts of Windows 10 are in decent shape as well.
Task Manager Confusion:

I am getting the oddest numbers from my Task Manager when my fan decides to suddenly go turbo on me. The issue is that the percentages don't equate to the hard usage numbers.

For instance, I was just showing 97% Disk Usage but only about 25 mb of processes. 78% Memory Usage with less than 1 gb of processes. What's the deal with this? My fan is blowing hard at 47 C temps which should not happen. Could it be that somehow the machine is reading use wrong and therefore kicking in the fan when not needed?

I dunno. My fan runs only when the SP3 is pretty warm. I have yet to notice the fan running when it's not warm.
Hi Guys,

anyone else having trouble downloading from the app store both the new and the old, getting error 0x80070003.
tried a few apps and the all seem to be the same, is there a manual way to download, website or something
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