Well-Known Member
I'm assuming that the graphics driver update will allow me to adjust gamma correct? I noticed the store model didn't have the advanced color features available.
If you debate yourself how do you know if you've won?![]()
Wow fonzman, you managed to be the only jerk in the room. Congratulations. Did you see that? Everyone was pleasant and helpful EXCEPT you. Well done.
Basically just browser, Office, Photoshop, Flash Professional and Sharepoint designer. .
Yeah. Its funny, because when I read online reviews from customers it seems like the i3 model is getting better overall reviews with fewer claims of bugginess. I can guess at the possibility that the i5 is a bit overpowered for this thin profile perhaps? Or maybe since they had a few more months to get the i3 ready they worked out some issues? Dunno, just guessing.
The SP3s are running identical firmware, and aside from the obvious (CPU / memory / SSD) , the hardware is also pretty much identical, so I have a hard time believing that the i5 or i7 models would be more buggy. One other HW difference I'm aware of is a different fan for the i7 models, but that shouldn't have much effect on the usual bugs.
IMHO, what probably happening is that people who paid more for the more expensive devices are more picky about the SP3's flaws, which is understandable to some degree.
Ah, new information here. Previously, you only mentioned Office and browsing. Just as I was about to make another post to fully embrace your decision to go with the I3 (right up until I saw that highlighted line above), I now find myself in agreement kristalsoldier immediately above me. I feel you will be both space and processor constrained if you are going to be using Photoshop on the I3. I don't know enough about Flash Professional and Sharepint Designer, but I have similar concerns about all of them concurrently on the same machine with a 64GB hard drive and the smaller processor. I now change my recommendation to the I5/128GB minimally....
The space is a non issue. I can offload any media files to the sdcard or cloud and all of my apps will easily squeeze onto the 64 gb ssd. Basically just browser, Office, Photoshop, Flash Professional and Sharepoint designer. I don't game on a tablet at all.