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Why is the Surface as Fast as It Is? Why Not Faster?

one more thing, your surface numbers aren't close to what I am getting, I was steady between 40 and 43 fps with 100 fish, not sure what your deal is with 26 - 30, maybe you have to many background processes.

Arctherus' reported speeds are similar to what I have seen in many reviews though they were mostly performed before the updates came out. Overall the Surface browser seems to consistently be a little slower than the iPad browser in most circumstances with the original Windows RT software version.
and when I ran both tests I noticed that the iPad had a lower resolution listed on the test page that the surface, I stated the numbers earlier. To me that means that drawing less dots is going to increase the fps. If I could control what resolution to run the test I think we would have apples to apples.
and when I ran both tests I noticed that the iPad had a lower resolution listed on the test page that the surface, I stated the numbers earlier. To me that means that drawing less dots is going to increase the fps. If I could control what resolution to run the test I think we would have apples to apples.

Yes, you are correct that the lower resolution helps. Unfortunately, the newer iPads have even higher resolution and maintain the same numbers. So they are not standing still and for another form of apples to Apples you would need to take the specs of the iPad 4 into consideration since it is really the target for Surface to go after.
Yes, you are correct that the lower resolution helps. Unfortunately, the newer iPads have even higher resolution and maintain the same numbers. So they are not standing still and for another form of apples to Apples you would need to take the specs of the iPad 4 into consideration since it is really the target for Surface to go after.

Especially with the Surface being priced to directly compete with the iPad. With the iPad running even higher resolution than the Surface, as J515OP said, you would think it would clock in at lower speeds, but the opposite is true.
Especially with the Surface being priced to directly compete with the iPad. With the iPad running even higher resolution than the Surface, as J515OP said, you would think it would clock in at lower speeds, but the opposite is true.

One other point to note about this though is that Apple is highly optimized with software and hardware since they control both. We already know that MS is still working on optimization for the Tegra 3 and of the RT OS in general since this is release 1. Just something to keep in mind.
Aw: Why is the Surface as Fast as It Is? Why Not Faster?

i get an average of 41 fps at 100 fishes, and an average of 34 fps at 250 fishes.

Did you install all the available updates?
Just to be clear since there are two browsers and two tests for 4 total possibilities...

IE from Start - 18fps, 100 fishes, all options checked.
IE from Desktop - 19fps, 100 fishes, all options checked.

IE from Start - 38fps, 100 fishes, all options checked.
IE from Desktop - 38 fps, 100 fishes, all options checked.

Big difference in test, not in browser used.

My golly, synthetic fishes' are the fad today

How about Angry Birds for a test or hey how about Excel with 100,000 rows?

Peace. Hehe
Sent from my Windows Phone 8S by HTC using Board Express
Go test the device yourself on FishIE Tank and Peacekeeper. To compare, iPad on FishIE Tank runs at 56 frames a seconds at 100 fish with all other options checked. Go test yourself what the Surface clocks in at... Peace keeper has its own chart to compare with after you test it.

The fishbowl test only show html5 data, and have nothing to do with hardware. I did the fishbowl test with my brothers new ipad4 with chrome browser and got 5fps with 10 fish. I made a video and uploaded it on YouTube.
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