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Why is the Surface as Fast as It Is? Why Not Faster?

I couldn't do the initial software updates today until I changed locations. The WiFi is much better at my local library and the download and install for 17 updates completed in a timeframe I had no problem with. Browsing around now and the Surface pretty much is smoking. I will have to try watching part of a movie and playing a game.

So far I am pleased with the Surface though it has only been using it yesterday and today.
If that Prillo character on You Tube, that keeps talking smack about Windows 8 and gave the Surface a poor review, says that the browsing experience on the Surface is the best he's used, it must be.
robertsurface;10163) said:
So far I am pleased with the Surface though it has only been using it yesterday and today.

It's a quality device and will become much better with updates.
Go test the device yourself on FishIE Tank and Peacekeeper. To compare, iPad on FishIE Tank runs at 56 frames a seconds at 100 fish with all other options checked. Go test yourself what the Surface clocks in at... Peace keeper has its own chart to compare with after you test it.
I had to do updates on about 20 apps yesterday and I was at a B&N store. It only took about 10 minutes to complete the entire update process and I don't think that store has the greatest wifi.
Go test the device yourself on FishIE Tank and Peacekeeper. To compare, iPad on FishIE Tank runs at 56 frames a seconds at 100 fish with all other options checked. Go test yourself what the Surface clocks in at... Peace keeper has its own chart to compare with after you test it.

I just did this on my surface and I am getting 41 fps with 100 fish full screen. On my motorola xoom, I get 2fps. On my iPad 2 I get 50 fps. Doesn't seem like a big deal. And not for nothing, the resolution on the iPad is 982 x 644 while the surface is 1366 x 768, so that alone would eat some fps...
Im comparing to a 4th gen iPad. My 4th gen iPad clocked in at 56-60 fps at 100 fish where as my surface clocks in a 26-30 fps at 100 fish a second. both tests were done by turning off wifi one one device while the other tested. Peace Keeper has its own charts to compare to, and the chart is relative to my experience.
and like I said, the ipad (square screen) has less dots to draw. Actually, I haven't picked up my ipad since I've had the surface, now looking at the ipad makes it seem goofy with its square screen.
I don't have a iPad 3 next to me, most likely someone in my office does, I can try the same test on that device. Regardless, I've used both devices extensively and I feel browsing the internet on the surface is superior to any other tablet i've seen.
one more thing, your surface numbers aren't close to what I am getting, I was steady between 40 and 43 fps with 100 fish, not sure what your deal is with 26 - 30, maybe you have to many background processes.
I had nothing running in the backround when I tested it. However, I might have tested it before I made updates. I will run another test right now. Also, I love my surface. its the only device I used, and traded it for my iPad 4th gen. I fully knew the drop in speeds I would be getting but I love this tablet so much and feel it has so much potential I had to make the switch. And haven't looked back since.
So I just tested it and consider my results non conclusive. I went to test on FishIE Tank and got 45 fps with 100 fish. I thought to myself this is excellent! However, I quickly realized the problem. First, it recognized the explorer I was using was IE9, and only tested fish on the screen with no image but fish on screen. When I tested the surface and the iPad on it, it had not only the options to choose how many fish, but it also gave options for showing the image of the bowl the fish swim in, the water, the backround, and about 6~ other things to turn on or off.

As I was typing this, I retested, and FishIE Tank recognized Im using IE10, and default has all options on, the way it should be tested. I am getting 24-28 fps.
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