You own one? Which model?
i5/128. Runs hot during several apps including video. Many have reported this. Its fine for word processing and surfing but not for processor intensive apps. Its also slower than the SP2.
You own one? Which model?
i5/128. Runs hot during several apps including video. Many have reported this. Its fine for word processing and surfing but not for processor intensive apps. Its also slower than the SP2.
[BLAH BLAH BLAH]...Why are you wasting your time here moaning about it?...[BLAH BLAH BLAH]
nice! you have made my point for me, these are over priced tablets that CANNOT perform like ultrabooks that you mentioned and selling them at an over inflated price like MS is doing, doesn't justify me or anyone else for that matter buying a TABLET that can't do as much as a gaming laptop or ultrabook...then why the over exuberant price tag? yes the pro 3 can do lots of things of things and it's powerful...for a TABLET which it beats ipads hands down IMO, but costs double too! what people aren't realizing is...IT'S A BLOODY TABLET! why price it more than a gaming laptop? see my point? these tablets should be only marginally more than an iPad since they can do more and is more stronger... BUT DOUBLE? sorry but I don't think so... also this is just MY OPINION and some others agree and some others don't and that's fine too, as long as you get my point, that's all I'm concerned with
^^^ and you're missing my point! The tablet costs as much as the ultrabooks with dedicated video cards but can't perform like them! You said it your self! So why should I buy a MS TABLET at the same price as a ultrabook? They're over pricing their tablets... that's it that's all.. /end post