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Who's getting one?


Well-Known Member
Well... someone had to be first :p

I'm sure we roughly know the specifications, so who's going to be ordering one of these bad boys? Me personally, well I'm still happy with my original Surface Pro, especially as it has a boost of life with Windows 10.
I do not think one is in my budget at this time. My SP3 is working just fine, and as kayzee said, it has new life since Windows 10 came out. If they went with Wacom for some reason instead of N-Trig(Which I do not see happening) I would reconsider, but as GreyFox said, I want to see a real announcement with specs first.
What would be the specifications to make it a definite yes or no for you though? For me... when I do want a new computer, it's always going to be an upgrade over what I currently use, so to be honest although it might sound a bit frivolous, I don't mind that much!

As for Wacom... no chance I'm afraid; remember Microsoft actually invested into N-Trig's pen technology! I only used one for a short amount of time but I must admit to quite liking it.
It absolutely must have Skylake CPU the details of which I cannot fill in because even that hasn't been released. Other details sorta depends on which combination of things hit my laundry list.
Most definitely MUST be a real upgrade. From SP2 to SP3, kickstand and size wasn't a "real" upgrade. I'd like to see better CPU, better graphics, larger drive, more ram. SP3 size is fine now. I'd like to see the video "hello" authentication. Higher resolution wouldn't help. Already have too many applications that don't like high DPI right now. :)
Yeah, I knew that Microsoft buying N-Trig. That was why I saw them going with Wacom as not happening.I mainly just miss a pen that reads orientation. I would like to see a full dock-able Keyboard(maybe w/battery), to get more of a laptop feel.

As far as specs, I am okay with the 8GB ram models and 128-256GB drive space is fine too. I would definitely be in for a better CPU and graphics. The throttling because of heating issues can be annoying at times on the SP3, but that really isn't that bad anymore for me since Windows 10.

Even though I am saying that They have to do all these other things before I consider the SP4, I think I am lying. I like new tech and will probably just buy it just because new and cool, haha.
Since I recently got an SP3 for the office, an SP4 is unlikely in the near future. However, a 14" screen would definitely be enticing.
Busy spending my 5 month summer holidays working my ass off in the kitchen. Hell yes i'll be getting one so long as it's not just a spec refresh. If it is just a spec bump then i'll most likely channel my money into a pair of 34" curved monitors.
I haven't even had my SP3 a year, and my computer budget still hasn't recovered (maybe because I keep buying things like docking stations....?). Looks like I'll have to pass this time around.
I will be getting one...for sure. And going to go ahead and reserve SP5 as well...that one will be superawesome