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Well, this is enought, no more Surfaces for me.

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May be most of the time I'm not in "black" screens.

We have different use, so what?
This does not make it an issue less important or negligible.
I spent 1000€ for this, i want to be able to watch a movie or to work in low light condition.

TBH, I have had numerous problems with Surface devices, and most were with Surface Pro 3s. Most recently I had a defective unit with a screen problem. Went to the MS store, they brought out one from the back and it didn't even boot up. Finally have one working but battery life is pathetic even with turning down screen brightness and shutting off as many processes as I can. As much as I like my SP3, there ARE QC problems with these. Too many complaints for it to go unnoticed. What about the lingering WiFi issue that is STILL not solved for many?

Yeah, if I was the OP, I'd be demanding a refund.

The question is, Can I ask for a refund even if they are past few months?
Make you case, on Twitter if necessary, for a refund. Possible angle that in the time you had 5 devices you would (may not be, didn't do the math) out of the return period with resets. Regardless you are an unsatisfied customer and never will be. Otherwise if that's unsuccessful, cut your losses and sell it.
We have different use, so what?
This does not make it an issue less important or negligible.
I spent 1000€ for this, i want to be able to watch a movie or to work in low light condition.

The question is, i can ask for a refound although it's been a few months?

IF you have been having problems since the beginning with multiple exchanges, you may have a shot at it. Depends on the retailer. If it's MS, they might do it. But considering the time that has gone by, it's still a bit of a long shot.
You really looked at the screen that I sent?
The problem that i show before in during boot appear in every black screen during normal usage, a video, a movie, programs, game. :/
And I would just remember, we're talking about a niche product, VERY expensive that makes quality its strong point.


I'm going to show you my screen. See above.

Is that bleeding?
We have different use, so what?
This does not make it an issue less important or negligible.
I spent 1000€ for this, i want to be able to watch a movie or to work in low light condition.

The question is, Can I ask for a refund even if they are past few months?
Can you? sure. IDK if they will but if you make a good well reasoned case, without being a tool, I think you have a shot. You have nothing to lose trying.
After going through 5 in 3ish months, I was able to get a full refund on my last SP3 at a MS store after explaining my case. And not to stereotype, but I found the younger workers at the store were way more understanding, and the few older workers there gave me troubles and wanted me to jump through hoops and go through various QA processes.

Luckily a younger manager stepped in and understood that as a student, I can't just not have a computer for 2-3 weeks while they try and figure out what's wrong with it. Either way, got my refund, and will be a loyal MS store customer from here on out.... just need to avoid the by the books generation that doesn't understand how today's world works.
View attachment 4868
I'm going to show you my screen. See above.

Is that bleeding?

It could be bleeding, i could be a reflection i don't know.
What i can see from you picture "you took the photo at right angles to the display?" is that your display is much more uniform than mine, wich is a problem of detachment .

By the way if you can see it by watching a movie or using the surface in low light and continue to do not consider it as a problem, I do not know what to say.
We have very different standards.
It could be bleeding, i could be a reflection i don't know.
What i can see from you picture "you took the photo at right angles to the display?" is that your display is much more uniform than mine, wich is a problem of detachment .

By the way if you can see it by watching a movie or using the surface in low light and continue to do not consider it as a problem, I do not know what to say.
We have very different standards.

Hard to say from a picture if ctitanic's screen really has "bleeding", but in a darkened room, I'll bet anyone's screen looks that way upon boot up.
I'm so sorry for the OP. I hope you get your refund.
My screen has 4 visible bleedings in the start screens. I noticed that the first day of use. I can see those bleedings only for 15 seconds about 2 times a week (when I restart my system). I can't notice them in any other situation . To me that's fine, as I really don't feel this to be any problem at all.....
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