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Back for one more try

Out for delivery.. :)

Sometimes the UPS dude / dude'ette comes at 10am and sometime at 6pm.. Which will it be today?

Generally if it's something I can't wait to get my paws on it's later in the day and if it's something I can care less about it comes early.. LOL
shweet, congrats on a flawless device! :)

Glad you got a good one. Don't know why the odds were against you for awhile, there.

Thanks.. I really missed this thing!

I was very apprehensive about trying again after my previous issues but I figured what the heck and I'm glad I gave it another shot!

And it turns out I may have been correct in my assumption that the i3 would be fine for my use. So far so good and I've been pushing it harder than what my normal use would be just to make sure.

I do have a question though. Does the i3 handle RAM differently? On my previous i5 / 256 / 8 my RAM usage always hovered around 3GB used. On this i3 / 64 / 8 I am only using 1.6GB. Odd but I'll take it!
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Thanks.. I really missed this thing!

I was very apprehensive about trying again after my previous issues but I figured what the heck and I'm glad I gave it another shot!

And it turns out I may have been correct in my assumption that the i3 would be fine for my use. So far so good and I've been pushing it harder than what my normal use would be just to make sure.

I'm glad! I also had problems as well, but so far, not with my replacement i3. (knocks on wood)
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