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Well, the party's over :-(

My girlfriend gets all of my "old", (i.e, more than 6 months), technology when I dump it for the latest and greatest. She could care less about technology but likes the free stuff. Is she doesn't want it, onto Craigslist it goes.

I may hold out for my 13.3" Pro+ (dream machine) model though. :)

I remember you said you had a yellow streak on you surface pro. Did you decide to get it replaced or does it no longer bother you?
I remember you said you had a yellow streak on you surface pro. Did you decide to get it replaced or does it no longer bother you?

I have 45 days to exchange it at BestBuy. I figure I'd wait as long as possible for MS to solve the problem in the manufacturing process before exchanging it. Not much sense it getting another one from the same manufacturing run. Sorry BestBuy, just taking advantage of the rules you made. :)

I am honestly more troubled by the slightly squishy top right hand corner of the screen and the resulting light bleed. I feel as if the glue in that corner may have failed a bit. The yellow strip can be covered by the Taskbar - but still it concerns me if I ever want to sell this - or donate it to my GF's favorite charity - herself :)
The thrill of the new toy, anticipated for years is fading. I've learned what there is to learn, tweaked what there is to tweak and complained about what there is to complain about.

The thrill of new love is past and now I'm stuck with just this awesome hybrid wonder machine. Perhaps I can put it back in the package just once more for an unboxing, maybe with candles and music this time? Maybe I should drop $200 on the dock just to have a new Surfacy thing?

Oh well, time to settle down, buy a house and pop out a few Surface Mini's.

I had my doubts....:) . Glad to see you converted!! The SP3 is a big step up from the SP1/2.

Love the re-unboxing concept. Just wait till the 44th day at BestBuy then you will get a new box and your dream can be fulfilled.
Party is back on! Today and tomorrow will be my first opportunity to put it through its paces :)

Currently sat on a coach to London. Pulled it out to watch a film, works perfectly. Got a look from the guy opposite and a few minutes later he pulled out an older surface model. He's having so much trouble watching his film in a comfortable position. I love this kickstand :) actually the first surface (plus non lumia 520 Windows phone) I've ever seen in the wild.
Haha... Surface envy. At least he had a Surface.

Indeed, I think it was a first edition (think it was a pro not rt due to the IE i saw running tethered to his phone) but it's the first time i've ever seen someone with one.

Just back from London, and i can say the surface is gonna be a hit for my degree :) There was a hands in the air question for who did paper and pen notes (about 90%) and who did laptop/tablet. I put my hand up for neither :) was amazing taking notes on harvard referencing with all my instantly available colours, sizes, variable pressure. I did notice a few curious looks, but then also overheard "see him taking notes on his ipad" bloody heathens! Let's see you do an instantaneous search of your A4 notepad :) Today alone has made it worth every penny. Although i've still to find an instance where i need to plug my keyboard in. due to the size I've found that while not quite as accurate, i can type at the same speed as a normal keyboard using the onscreen :)

Thanks to all you Americans who offered thoughts and advice prior to my purchase :) Although most of it comes down to exactly what i told the MS employee. It could be an octocore 5ghz r9 gpu monster, and i still wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't for this amazing, albeit loose, kickstand. Worth the price for that alone for the versatility it offers :)
i dont understand OPs message? He lost the new-device-feel? and now SP3 became a regular device?

You haven't clicked the pen button just for the sake of clicking it? Apply that to the whole device. That's kinda the idea. In the wider world it might be described as "the novelty has worn off". As Leeshor states, now its business :)
Indeed, I think it was a first edition (think it was a pro not rt due to the IE i saw running tethered to his phone) but it's the first time i've ever seen omemeone with one.
I had a similar experience as yours. The gentleman got a lot of stares and strained necks. I was able to identify it as a Surface Pro 2 because it was black and had "Surface" on the back instead of the Windows logo. Imagine what commotion a SP3 would have caused?