it would be nice to see some dirty pictures

of thettype covers on all colors. Would you mind sharing them. I'm really hesitant about the color I'll buy.
I'm a blue person XD but as I don't live in the US and I asked a friend who traveled to Boston to get the SP3 and the type cover. So he'll buy them on the Boston Microsoft Store, therefore it will be very unlikely to get the dark blue edition. I don't like the cyan one because it's too light and it will get dirty easily. I think the red one looks really sexy and manly but I'm concerned about it getting dirty quickly as the OP said.
The purple got Me thinking, I've looked on YouTube and other images and I still don't know if it's a dark purple or a light violet, sometimes it looks girly and some other it looks dark blue-ish that is really cool.
black doesn't convince me because it's not black but a "dark" gray.
So help me out to decide by posting how dirty the colors get.