I'm not sure I'm getting the whole purpose of this thread.
This makes my point for me. On the first page I lamented that, "some topics seem unapproachable."
I did not start the thread for you get the purpose. I started to seek answers to what I deemed legitimate questions. There have been so great replies (the power cover comes immediately to mind); however, other replies have accused me of bias or some other ulterior motive.
Again, my original post stated, "I would assume many SP3 advocates would welcome neophytes such as myself." After all, I (and others) are the market MS is targeting — Apple users who are considering converting to the SP3. If a comparison is made between two devices and the conclusion is not in favor of the SP3, there is a either a rush to judgment or a rush to defend the platform.
I realize that PC v. Mac has devolved into pettiness. However, I can attest there are legitimate consumers who need to be platform agnostic. Perhaps this image will assist my argument:

I will have 75 students this semester. Two weeks before class starts, I give a brief technology survey to gather data on where my students stand. As you can see the results from the first 21 respondents are 11 Mac and 10 PC users.
I am looking for the best equipment to teach my students. There is no underlying bias. If someone would convince a Commodore 64 would do that and I agreed, I would gladly use that.
As a Mac user, I was happy. I chair my department's DE and Technology committee and I serve on the University's DE and Technology committee.
Along comes the SP3 and MS's campaign that I can combine my two current devices into one. The advertising worked. I was wooed into buying one and the $150 education discount didn't hurt either. (As a bonus, I found surfaceforums.net, a wealth of information on my new device.) I would argue I was happier than before. I was down to one device, which was lighter and more mobile than the previous kit.
However, I noticed the promised battery life of 9 hours was not that. I understand all manufacturers embellish these numbers. I can accept this. But, I wasn't missing an hour. I was missing three — 1/3 of the advertised rate, a rate much higher than my other devices.
I turned to this forum. I was instructed to dim the brightness by 3/4. I was instructed to turn off many things. I was asked how close I was to the WiFi hub and a host of other questions I had previously considered with other devices.
I turned back to this forum and noticed I was not alone with some of these issues.
Yet, when I posed questions or made comparisons, again, I saw comments stressing "bias" or language such as "fanboy." Then, I see posts such as "I'm not sure I'm getting the whole purpose of this thread."
Evidently, I misjudged the purpose of this forum. My apologies.